Access combo box value list In this How To, I will show to add the <All> or <N/A> option on the list of combo box. In frmCustomers is OrderDesign, a combobox with a list of items from tblProducts, and OrderColours, a combobox. In one case (case A), the Row Source is a simple list of values entered manually. When I view the table in datasheet view, the combo boxes function correctly. The image below illustrates a Value List, but it would be the same with a Table / Query. Jan 21, 2022 · When the LimitToList property of a bound combo box is set to No, you can enter a value in the combo box that isn't included in the list. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use Combo Box in Access Form where one Combo Box value depends on another Combo Box using the below Login Form as an example. For example if the Combox List of Row Source type: Value List and Row source of : Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,etc Would be ordered according to the sequence found in the combo box not by alphabetical order. Apr 5, 2011 · Add the column which you want to control by a combobox and give it a column name and the Text type. named cbo1. Make sure that the appropriate column is selected and then click the Lookup tab page in the MS Access table designer; Change the Display Control from TextBox to Combo Box; Select Row Source Type = Value List; Enter the following for Row Source Dec 11, 2015 · Set the combo box's RowSourceType property to Value List, and its RowSource property to Active;Closed. In using combo box and relational combo box, I encountered the same problem. Point the combo box's data source to the table of managers. accdb format) database or an Access database that was saved in an earlier version (. Me. I used my original method of using a for loop to populate the list. Do some VBA coding in it to fill up the second combo box based on the value selected on the first combo box. In that case, the data in the field the combo box is bound to will display, but there won't be appropriate data in the dropdown list. Good day to all. This MSAccess tutorial explains how to bind a combo box with a list of values that are not from a query in Access 2013 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions). Clear methods too (current Access 365 version), If you want to simply remove the value in the combo box: me. InheritValueList. In an InfoPath form, you can populate a list box, drop-down list box, or combo box with data from a query data connection to a Microsoft Office Access 2007 (. RowSource = "" SQL = "SELECT [some_value] FROM [a_table] WHERE [another_value] = '" & argv(0) & "'" combox. Value in order to select the matching combo row. RowSource = "" 'Declaring and setting proper variables Dim Cavities As Integer Cavities = CInt(Me. You can read this property only in Form view Jan 5, 2016 · It returns the index of the chosen value in the list. Inherit Value List - Yes. In this example, we have a combo box that is displaying the value "Miami" four times. The access database that I am creating all the forms in is connected to the same SQL server, but is attached to a different database than the combo box values. With a value list, unless you disable the shortcut menus a user can right click on the combo box select Edit List Items and modify the list even if it is set to limit to list which effectively defeats any limitation you are trying to place May 16, 2011 · I have built a form that inputs data into a table. Its Row Source in the Data tab of the forms property sheet is as follows: 1; "WIN";2; "LOOSE";3; "DRAW". I've created a combo box in Access 2013. Microsoft Access combo boxes let you display data for users to select values from predefined lists. Allow Value List Edits - No. Nov 24, 2015 · This is my Function I use to do filter combo-box as typed: Public Sub FilterComboAsYouType(combo As ComboBox, defaultSQL As String, lookupField As String) Dim strSQL As String If Len(combo. As I type in some text it jumps to some value in list which starts with the text I entered, which is normal. I load the values in the combo box from a value list. Which Select Statement or VBA code can I May 18, 2016 · I have a combo box on a form that is linked to a SharePoint field, the combo box populates correctly however I am having difficulty trying to add VBA code to select all of the options or to unselect all options. expression. This is a combo box where you specify a list of options to select fro Use a combo box when you want to: Enable users to either select a predefined value from a list of choices or type their own value. In the 'Row Source' property of the combo box under 'Data' in the Property Sheet, set the Row Source to a query for the first + last name of the managers. value = "" and that will reset the field. The combo box control provides a more compact way to present a list of choices. A number of the fields have combo boxes, with the "row source type" set to "value list". 'Choice 2'). Create a macro or VBA routine for an AfterUpdate or OnClick button event using the command ApplyFilter. This is a combo box where you specify a list of options to select from. The options for the combo box come from a table I've created. Oct 1, 2020 · A combo box control lets you pick items from a drop-down list. In this Microsoft Access tutorial, I'll teach you how to create a value list combo box. Remarks The InheritValueList property is effective only when the combo box is bound to a Lookup field and the RowSourceType property is set to Value List. Im sorry if Im not clear Aug 30, 2018 · Create a combo box either with entered value list selections for all 12 months or with data from a Months table (using hidden or unhidden month number). Access stores the new value in the form's underlying table or query (in the field specified in the combo box's ControlSource property), not the table or query set for the combo box by the RowSource property. In this way, the If the combo box or list box is based on a record source, Access uses the field names from the record source as the column headings. The control source of this comboBox is set to a field in a table from a query(on which the form is based). Text) > 0 Then strSQL = defaultSQL & " WHERE " & lookupField & " LIKE '*" & combo. Combo217. You can see more details at: How to Create Lookup Field in Table for MS Access here. When you do so, the ListIndex is modified by Access but it won't point to the row you used. The user can then add, delete, or edit the items Jul 6, 2015 · On my Access form I have an empty combobox with it's Row Source Type set to Table/Query, and Bound Column set to 1. [ID] . Overview. The classic way is that, after displaying a form or report in Design View, in the Controls section of the Ribbon, click either the Combo Box button or the List Box button and click the form or report. In this case, that would be [Haridusasutused]. What I'd like to do is display: "[Code] - [LastName], [FirstName]" as the selected item when a value is selected, and still store just the [Code] in the combobox's . Jan 21, 2022 · Microsoft Access sets the ListIndex property value when an item is selected in a list box or list box portion of a combo box. I don't want to populate the combo box with a SQL query. Works as intended. Jul 14, 2012 · Please note that it is usually better to utilize a table that stores the values for your combo box. I click but nothing happens. Combo boxes give quick and accurate data entry: accurate: you select an item from the list; quick: a couple of keystrokes is often enough to select an item. Value = ParID May 4, 2010 · Using the wizard I've ended up with two different ways to handle the Combo Box list of values for two fields called 'Team Involved' and 'Role of Witness'; both use a separate lookup table to store the value list. I am trying to set the default value to blank but nothing seems to work. Nov 11, 2015 · The Unbound combo box has a value list record source and the form is unbound. Value = Null Forms![CtrlPanel]. They select ONE item. requery 'Clears old data, loads new data Nov 12, 2012 · In this Microsoft Access video tutorial, you will learn how to edit the list of items in a combo box (or add new items) without programming, and without havi Jun 23, 2016 · In Access VBA I'm attempting to update a combo box's value based on a query. Enabled - Yest. Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Dim use Jun 4, 2016 · When I click on my combo box and the list box for InventoryDate should be filtered automatically. If I select 'Choice 1' (or 'Choice 2') The value is correctly set to 1 (resp. cmbSection. [Lawfulness of Processing]). Often ID columns are autonumber fields. Recordset Type - Dynaset. 2) and the displayed value in the ComboBox is 'Choice 1' (resp. This video shows how to enable the user to add the values when neede Dec 9, 2016 · I found the answer. Example. When entering data on Access forms, it can be quicker and easier to select a value from a list than to type a value. May 13, 2015 · If Me. Combobox. If the bound column was 1, and the value shown And (that is, a two-column list), the default value would be set to 1. Feb 11, 2016 · I've created this mock-up, which filters the combo box options based on data from the row it resides on. If there is no value, then comboBox. Compatibility considerations. That means you only need to assign a value to . I have placed a combo box on Form1, i. You can choose one of the below Events to trigger saving action of the selected Combo Box value – Create a submit Button in Form to trigger a Click Event – Use AfterUpdate Event for the Combo Box – Use Change Event for Combo Box (not recommended) Aug 15, 2021 · In this video, I will show you how to pick a customer from a list of customers when filling out service forms. When this property is set to Yes and you right-click a Lookup field that is based on a single column value list, you will see the Edit List Items menu option. Viewed 139 times 1 . This table has a column called ComponentName, which is what users of the form will see as the options in combo box, but there is also another column called ComponentType, which is what will be used later to match against the row Jan 11, 2012 · gets or sets whether a combo box's value list is inherited from its field. combobox = "" Sep 12, 2021 · The current setting for the Text property is what is displayed in the text box portion of the combo box; the Value property is set to the Text property setting only after this text is saved. Requery Forms![CtrlPanel]. If the combo box or list box is based on a fixed value list, Access uses the first n items of data from the value list (Row Source property) as the column headings, where n = the number set in the Column Count Sep 12, 2021 · Gets or sets whether a combo box's value list is inherited from its field. The problem I am having is that if the data in the field changes, the combo box values do not update. Save Combo Box value – using variable Events for Combo Box. Filter On Nov 1, 2017 · コンボボックスに値リストを使って値を設定する方法です。 例 たとえば、このようなフォームにコンボボックス(comboBloodType)が貼り付けてあるとします。 このコンボボックスに値リストで値を設定するには次のように記述します。 Private Sub Form Nov 30, 2021 · The critical points are that it's set to Value List, the value list is populated, you have 2 columns listed, the column widths look correct. But when I select a row, all I see in the combobox is the Code (its an employee number). The list is hidden until you click the drop-down arrow. That's not how comboboxes work. InheritValueList expression A variable that represents a ComboBox object. The combo box control combines the features of a text box and a list box. If the combo box or list box is based on a fixed value list, Access uses the first n items of data from the value list (Row Source property) as the column headings, where n = the number set in the Column Count May 24, 2023 · What is the "object type" of the . RowSource = strSQL combo Jan 21, 2022 · When a user types a value in a combo box that is not in the list, the NotInList event of the combo box occurs as long as the combo box's LimitToList property is set to Yes, or a column other than the combo box's bound column is displayed in the box. Then an "ADD" Button near the list is linked which concats the new value to the older value of the text box using a piece of VBA code onClick. Jul 10, 2015 · In this article I will explain how you can populate a combo box with values from an Access table. offID field correctly. The InheritValueList property is effective only when the combo box is bound to a Lookup field and the RowSourceType property is set to Value List Question: In Microsoft Access 2013 when I try to build a combo box in an Access form, I get several repetitions of the same city displaying in the combo box. What I want to do is via code, to fill this combobox with two columns, where it displays the first column to the user and then in code I'll fetch the value from the second column. [Cfname] FROM [Contact] ORDER BY [CID], [Csname], [Cfname]; If the combo box or list box is based on a record source, Access uses the field names from the record source as the column headings. Hide list items on the form by default. Fields are automatically updated for the address also May 25, 2011 · If the column names aren't going to change, then of course you could copy them to out to excel, sort them and add them back into the combobox as a value list (instead of field list). Auto Expand - Yes. Fetch Defaults - Yes. Private Sub cmbSection_Change() ' Clears Current Items In Combo Box cmbCavities. Second_combo_box. Adding values to lookup tables. I've been trying to do an "On load event" with the following code but it's not working. where the selection in one combo box restricts the selection in another and so on down the line, but it does include a form, opened from the 'Open Form in Continuous Form View Using Multi-Column Combo Box and Text Boxes' button on the opening form, which shows where we loop through the combo box entries looking at the value of the 2nd column ( . Refresh End Sub Sep 14, 2015 · I'm working with Access and I'm writing a SQL query where I would like to order by the combo box value list sequence. Column(1)) Dim intI As Integer ' Loop For intI = 1 To (Cavities) Me The demo is principally intended to show how to use 'correlated combo boxes', i. The combo box can be a Lookup field from a table. You can change the value of the combobox as suggested above. ActiveControl Me. Value property. Mar 31, 2013 · How can I create a combo box i do not want bound to a table, show a multiple value List? The Combo is named Sector and want these values to be selected in Multiples 9Which should be possible in Access 2007) from the Drop Down List: Fertilizer, Seeds, Pesticides, Veterinary products, Animal Feed, General. The Login Form contains two combo boxes – comboDivision: Contains a list of Division, this is the first Combo Box to select May 9, 2017 · Limit to List - No. Aug 25, 2020 · This will take basically just one line of VBA code; most of it is done through Access. I would suggest copy and paste the row source text into notepad or something similar. The combo box can also be a stand-alone combo box on the Access form. Jun 26, 2008 · I am trying to create a combobox with two columns (the second hidden) from a ValueList with the second column being the bound column. With a standard combo box you can use: cmbBox1. Form1 and Form2. Read/write Boolean. Aug 8, 2013 · I figured it out. ColumnCount = 2 ColumnWidths = 2cm;0 RowSource Type = Value List Bound Column = 2 In this episode, we're going to look at how to get not just our bound values from Combo Boxes and List Boxes, but also how to get the values of any column on It sounds like the rowsource of your combo box is wrong and you have the LimitToList property set to NO. The code in their comment worked for my Non-Steel Query, but the Steel was a bit harder, It is as follows (in VBA), Dim strSQL As String Dim Field As String Field = [Forms]![frmBOM_Combined]![Text26]. Using them effectively simplifies data entry and accuracy. I've not found any information on how to select a row and have the ListIndex point to that row after selection. How do I populate a combo box with a list of values that are not generated from a SQL query? Answer: You might not always want to set up a code table to populate a combo box. My problem is that I cannot get the combo list to return the second column. This is called "cascading comboboxes" Feb 25, 2021 · For a combobox set to a table/query for the rowsource, do the "Allow Value List Edits" and "List Items Edit Form" properties have any effect? I have a combobox with a table as the rowsource, and somehow, the underlying table was edited, seemingly through the combobox in some way? There are various ways you can create a combo box or a list box in Microsoft Office Access 2010. I set an AfterUpdate() event on the combo box as following: Private Sub DateSelector_AfterUpdate() Forms![CtrlPanel]!InventoryDateList. In the other case (case B), the Row Source is a list taken from another table ([Lawfulness of Processing]. I'll also show you an example of where a value list combo box is actually better than a relational combo box for the particular situation. Nov 16, 2020 · Access Combo Box value depends on another Combo Box. Aug 27, 2024 · > The combo box would allow to make multiple selection . Filter - Blank. Aug 24, 2023 · I'm using Access 2019 to build a database. listIndex = -1. I want to alpha sort the options in the Combo box drop down list. Hey im Sep 12, 2021 · The AllowValueEditLists property determines whether the Edit List Items command is available when the user right-clicks a combo box that's bound to a Lookup field. I am thinking it may be because there is no blank value in the list. The second example covers list-filling callback functions. There are tons of tutorials if you google for "access combo box based on another". Aug 23, 2016 · I have a combo box on an form where the values are populated based on the value in a separate field. It's possible the control is corrupt. More than one item of the list can be selected for each field. If the Lookup field is bound to a list of values, the Edit List Items dialog box is displayed when the user chooses Edit List Items. Consider the following table: The table name is: “Students” The table has 5 fields: “ID” “First Name” “Last Name” “Phone Number” “Email” Consider the combo box Mar 29, 2022 · When you have a limited number of values that don't change, you can set the RowSourceType property to Value List and then enter the values that make up the list in the RowSource property. However, when using the form to input data, these combo boxes show up blank The following sections walk you through using all three of the techniques for modifying the contents of a list or combo box while your application is running. Syntax expression. Most commonly, the list of values is from a table or query, and can be bound to one field (like an ID field) while displaying a field the user sees and understands. I want to limit some of the values in the combobox in this form so that the user can apply only an allowed value. The ListIndex property value of the first item in a list is 0, the value of the second item is 1, and so on. Allow Value List Edits. This tutorial works in conjunction with the Vegetarian Homeschooler Curriculum - a pr For example: In the first combo box implement an Event "On Change". List property of a combobox in vba? I am having quite a struggle in accessing the items when I treat it like a an Array of strings Jan 21, 2011 · All you have to do is use the query builder in access and set the criteria to the value of the first combo box [Forms]![frmMy_form]![cboFirst_combo_box] Then in the after update event of the first combo box just put . Dim ParID ParID = Me. Sep 18, 2014 · "Allow Value List Edits" the default value for "Allow Value List Edits" is "Yes" change this to "No" After doing this modifications on the default values the user will be allowed to modify the text in the Combo Box, but when the user is leaving the Combo Box the BeforeUpdate event will be fired and the user will get an exclamation message from Mar 26, 2009 · Using VBA to Populate the row source of a Value List as the Row Source Type. If a user tries to apply another value, I want msgbox to display "cannot apply this value" (essentially, a custom message). FilterOn = Not IsNull(ctrl) Aug 9, 2016 · Me("Combo Box") = "Report Generated" is the line, that is correct. But how do you manage the items in the list? Access gives several options. SELECT [Contact]. Show Only Row Source Values - No. expression A variable that represents a ComboBox object. Remarks. Text I believe there is some simple solution that I'm just overlooking. Assuming the combo's first column, SubTopicID, is also its "bound column" property, that column's value is used as the combo's . [ID], [Associates List]. Jan 6, 2011 · Beth gave you part of the answer, but to be more specific: Set the Rowsource property of your combo box to the Years table (or to an SQL statement that selects that column from that table--possibly with other columns as well, depending on what you want to do with it). Here are the properties I have currently: Aug 22, 2014 · I have two forms and corresponding tables. Aug 10, 2014 · Bound column is telling access that the default value of the combobox should be the first column of the row source. The following example sets the RowSourceType property for a combo box to Table/Query, and it sets the RowSource property to a query named EmployeeList. And this line is designed to set a the combo box value to "Report Generated" (It has a list of about 8 options) – mattlore Dec 19, 2021 · I am practising with my access database, starting with one table i. Jun 8, 2010 · Access ComboBox and ListBox do not have . [Value] strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT [TOTAL-LENGTH-WEIGHT], MATERIAL, ORDER FROM " & "[" & [Field] & "]" & " ORDER BY [ORDER];" Debug. The Value property returns or sets a control's default property, which is the property that is assumed when you don't explicitly specify a property name. It appears that they are sorted by the order the items were added to the table and sorting the table does not seem to affect anything. I have a combo box list where the list is taken from values in a table. When you design a form in Access, you can create a list box or a combo box that can be used to find a record when a value is selected from the list. Instead I want to add my own values. . Nov 13, 2012 · I have a combobox where all of this info is displayed in the dropdown. Before you begin I have an access form that includes a combo box. [Field1] FROM [Associates List] ORDER BY [Field1];" which displays the 1 to 3 number followed by the rating. Code: Function updateComboBox() Dim db As Database Dim rs As DAO. I have also tried. May 15, 2015 · A combobox on my form won't allow me to select an item/value. It still populates with the first row of the query result. If I bind the form to the table and the control source of the combo to the correct field of the table When I select a manufacturer as my search criteria it changes the records to that manufacturer instead of just finding all the records that match the criteria. If the combobox is based on. When the table is opened in Access, in one case the field stores the id of the Question: I've created a combo box in Access 2003/XP/2000/97. ParentID. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. Requery Jun 19, 2019 · Your first attempt is fine, you just need to requery the combo box to actually load in the results of the query. Sep 9, 2015 · I have a combo box with lots of values in it. To do this, I have created a combo box and set the "Row Source" to run a SQL statement. Dim SQL As String combox. cmbSubTopic. [Csname], [Contact]. RowSourceType = "Table/Query" combox. The combo box remains opened displaying all the possible values. Typically, adding new items to the list requires updating the records in a separate table. Text & "*'" Else strSQL = defaultSQL 'This is the default row source of combo box End If combo. Sep 7, 2016 · This works just fine, but once you exit the form and re-enter it, the value in the combo box is blank and I would like this to contain the same value that was selected. Dec 19, 2017 · I have a ComboBox with two rows -one invisible (row "A") and another not (row "B")- users can only see the row "B", and whent they choose an item from the list, the value of the ComboBox is showed like the pressed item of the row "B" -but inside the code the value is like the row "A" item-. Jan 22, 2016 · Specifically, the VBA code that re-queries the combo box query was a life-saver, and is detailed in their tutorial on Dependent Drop Down List Box Why the query ComboQueryUnitSubType, specified as the combo box's Row Source, is not re-run automatically by Access every time the combo box is selected by the user is anyone's guess. And here is a summary of the Property Sheet for the form the combobox is in: Record Source - qryNSummarizeActivity. Here is the entire method. Here is my configuration: Mar 2, 2017 · If I select 'Default' in the ComboBox, the value is correctly set to Null, but the displayed text is empty. Fields("SubTopicID"). RowSource = SQL combox. In the combo box's AfterUpdate event procedure put: Dim ctrl As Control Set ctrl = Me. Mar 29, 2022 · This object corresponds to a combo box control. Value = "My Text" Then As I want to test if "My Text" is the only value selected, however, the conditional is skipped. The wizard was able to help me until it asks me to choose a field to store the combo box value from a dropdown list (see the image below). Marie from Chandler, Arizona (a Platinum Member Jun 15, 2021 · This video explains how to add a value list to a combo box in MS Access. This makes it easier for users to quickly find existing records without having to type a value into the Find dialog box. The "Row Source Type" setting for the combo box (cbo1) is a "value list". If you want a solution that avoids hardcoding the fields, all I can think of is to change the combobox Row Source Type to Table/Query, and set it to a temporrary Dec 28, 2010 · The combo box is getting it's values from a linked table called 3KNYSQL5_GNYBrokerDatabase_dbo_Brokers, a table from another database on the same SQL server. mdb format). There are cases Aug 1, 2012 · You can also use a visual workaround for this Access limitation, using a text box at the right of the combobox, and setting the textbox value equal to the third column of the combobox. Value Me. Specify whether you can edit the items in a lookup field that is based on a value list. Dec 21, 2017 · In an Access table, I have 2 columns that take the value from a list. Print strSQL Apr 12, 2010 · A cascading combo box, cmbComp, allows me to select a company, and inturn select the appropriate office, cboOff, and updates the corresponding tblEmployee. But is it possible to jump to value which also contains the text I entered? For example, I type in "ember" it offers me the value "December" which is in the list. I click on it, it's correctly populated, but I cannot select any of the items. If the lookup field has more than one column, this property is ignored Jan 3, 2021 · A combo box is well known in the MS Access form. Filter = "Status = """ & ctrl & """" Me. Syntax. Jul 11, 2017 · Access 2013 - Combo Box, Value list. Nov 12, 2008 · When you type into the combo box, nothing happens until you've typed 3 characters (or 2 or 4 or whatever is appropriate to filter your dropdown list down to a human-usable number of records), at which time the rowsource is assigned (and, if you like, you can dropdown the list at that point, to make it more user-friendly). If you want multi-select, consider a listbox. In frmProducts is ColorOptions, a multi-select combobox containing a list of possible color options for a product, and Design, a text control for the name. Learn how to add a list box or combo box. Using the NotInList event, however, users can add new values to the combo box control directly, allowing new records to be created on the fly. The first example modifies the value of the RowSource property, given that the RowSourceType property is set to Value List. Option 1: Not In List event A combo box is a combination of a text box and a list box where you can select from a list Learn how to build combo boxes in your Microsoft Access databases. Post the SQL of the dropdown list and the values for these properties: column count, bound column, column A combo box is an object or control which contains a drop-down list of values that the user can select from. Here is a list of topics that explain how to use combo boxes in Access: Tutorials Jun 3, 2015 · In Access 2013 ListIndex is readonly. Table1 and two forms i. Column(1) and. In this article. The bound column of the combo is what you should set as the default value. If the user doesn't select a value from the list, then the value is the default "joe". Apr 7, 2020 · Currently, in the table that the form is based on, I have the "short text" data type and in the row source I have "SELECT [Associates List]. The values displayed within a combo box can be populated by a table/query, value list, or field list. How can I design the combo box so that only unique cities appear? Answer: Let's look at an example. For example: Aug 24, 2015 · I have a combobox (value list type) on a form. Column(1, iCounter) – don’t forget it is a 0 based column index, so 1 means the 2nd column!) and when we find the value we are searching for then we set the combo box to that row’s bound value using ItemData(iCounter). Modified 7 years, 6 months ago. Column(1). e. While the combo box opens and I can see all the values, when I click in it I cannot select a value. Edit: For compatibility reasons, the solution must work with Access 2007 Oct 30, 2018 · I have a combo box in a form that uses a query to get the row source (lookup list). For example: If the first value is selected, comboBox. I have a list box named lbxReports with several report names on it and i want to specifically call a set of row source on the chosen report name to the combo box named cboFilterby using Value list as Jan 3, 2016 · First the doctor selects a value from the combo box drop down list and to it more can be added as LimitToList is set to YES. listIndex = 0. Value = rsST. Thanks in great part to Elias. This property is available only by using a macro or Visual Basic. Locked - No. A combo box also gives you the ability to enter a value that is not in the list. Value Jul 9, 2022 · Sample set up of comboboxes in Access where the RowSource of a combobox is dependent on the value in another combobox. See a VBA example below. If the query SELECT name FROM table ORDER BY name returns a list in which there is May 16, 2022 · Sometimes the programmer cannot determine the exact values to put in the combo box list. [CID], [Contact]. Use a combo box when you want the option of either typing a value or selecting a value from a predefined list. pridkrmn tqahq abcrd pafgnm pxszcua mpxq peppfaf mblg xgunhuj qyjx