Gospel doctrine alma. 320) Alma 37:34 teach them to never be weary of good works.
Gospel doctrine alma He sought for fame and riches by establishing religious position based on popularity not worthiness. The restored gospel--especially as made known through the Book of Mormon--testifies that Jesus Christ was and is divine, that he is God. "Alma, with the brass plates of Laban as his source, quoted these words from a prayer of Zenos: (quotes Alma 33:3-16). After the reign of King Mosiah, Alma the Younger was appointed chief judge over the people of Nephi, thus beginning a time period known as “the reign of the judges” (Mosiah 29:44), with a new form of government that included elements of a republic, a democracy, and a theocracy. Joseph B. Although the Zoramites are famous for their self-righteous prayer on the holy stand of Rameumptom, they apparently worshipped more than just one God. 310) Alma 34:26 ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places. Needing reinforcements too, he tries to think of all the possible reasons why he hasn't received them-maybe Moroni has been unsuccessful and needs all the troops, or maybe there is some faction in the government-and adds that if Moroni needs the troops, then he (Helaman) doesn't want to The record of Alma in the book of Alma is unique in that it comprises 22. Revelation: Korihor knew in his heart that Christ was real (verse 42,46,52). The word 'covenant' or its derivatives appear 26 times in the Book of Alma chapters dealing with Moroni (Alma 43-62), while they appear only three other times in the rest of the book. Wirthlin Just before he died Father Smith followed the exemplary pattern of bestowing a father's blessing upon each child individually and having it recorded as did Jacob of old, and Alma, who 'caused that his sons should be gathered together, that he might give unto them every one his charge, separately, concerning the things pertaining unto Alma 14:2 they also said that Amulek had lied unto them, and had reviled against their law. The Spirit will lead us to those who are ready to hear the gospel if we pray for success, listen to the whisperings of the Spirit, and are willing to do the work. Alma 53:19 they would that Helaman should be their leader. 6 percent of the entire Nephite record and yet covers only 18 years, or merely 1. Alma 9:32 sought to lay their hands upon me, that they might cast me into prison Alma 27:16 this was a joyful meeting The joyful meeting between Alma and the sons of Mosiah is recorded in Alma 17:1-4. I get them all Alma 26:1 could we have supposed when we started…that God would have granted unto us such great blessings The Lord is able to bless us with things which exceed our comprehension. Wirthlin Alma 24:18 they would labor abundantly with their hands. Alma 9:31 the people were wroth with me. Such was the plan prepared before the foundation of the earth. Alma 44:11 ye shall not depart except ye depart with an oath "Captain Moroni was steeped in covenant theology. Hence, Mormon said of Moroni, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men (Alma 48:17). But behold, this was not the desire of Moroni "Moroni makes good on his promise to Ammoron when, summoned by Laman, he and his men surround the sleeping Lamanites and arm the Nephite women and children who are prisoners in the city of Gid (see Alma 54:12). Nyman and Charles D. , Alma, the Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Alma 19:16 one of the Lamanitish women, whose name was Abish. Alma 28:4-6 there was a great mourning and lamentation heard throughout all the land The pain of losing a loved one is understood only by those who have experienced it. After 14 years of separation, the joy that Alma feels can only be fully appreciated in light of the gospel which they shared. One example is the Zoramites, who, Alma said, 'did offer up, every man, the self-same prayer unto God, thanking their God that they were chosen of him, and that he did not lead them away after the tradition of their brethren, and that their hearts were not stolen away to believe in things to come, which they knew nothing about. In contrast to Helaman's miraculous success on the western front, Moroni has been struggling in the East. Ammon serves and teaches King Lamoni, and many of the people are converted. Alma 12:11 they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portionuntil they know nothing. It is interesting that this phrase is not used to describe the confirmation ordinance (see commentary for Mosiah 18:14). It is a song of praise in which he exults in God’s goodness and mercy. The record of Alma covers the first 44 chapters of the book of Alma, the 18 years from 91 to 73 BC. Helaman's role so far has been to preach the word of God (Alma 48:19). Alma 33:1 whether they should believe in one God. While the evil one is silently binding, first with flaxen cords (2 Ne 26:22), and then with the chains of hell, he brazenly preaches that true freedom can only be obtained outside the constraints of consecration. Book Menu. Liberty has always been our blessed lot. Alma 2:29-30 Alma fought with Amlici In classic Nephite tradition, the spiritual leader is also the political leader and the military leader. Alma 49:30 Corianton had repented and joined his brothers in declaring the word. 76 percent of the entire 1021 years of Nephite history from 600 BC to AD 421. Instead of preaching the gospel, he had been chasing the harlot Isabel and justifying his actions by questioning the justice of God (Alma "Alma, one of the great Book of Mormon prophets, taught: 'For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey. Tate, Jr. Alma's advice on these subjects is so filled with the spirit of revelation that it provides one of the great testimonies to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Here were red men degenerated, untrained, and primitive who accepted the gospel and quickly changed to sober, industrious, God-fearing people. Ezra Taft Benson "We as a people have never known bondage. First, the phrase, "laying on [of] hands" is used only twice in the Book of Mormon, in Alma 6:1 and Moroni 2:1. His idea was in direct conflict with what had been taught in Zarahemla for decades. It is surpassed only by the story of Joseph of Egypt and his brothers (Gen 42-45). In a today's racially sensitive society, this may seem like an unpleasant doctrine. Alma 39:1 Behold, has he not set a good example for thee? Alma 24:18 they would labor abundantly with their hands. This represents a second and separate angelic ministration. 65) Alma 32:34 your knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant. ) This parallelism is to be expected, since the Israelites in Palestine observed the law of Moses and the Nephites kept it 'strictly' for many years (see Mosiah 13:30; Alma 30:3). We may also console ourselves that those loved ones who have passed on are happily resting in the paradise of God. ” Alma 17:2 Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren. Alma 22:1 he was led by the Spirit to the land of Nephi. Introductory Pages; 1 Nephi; 2 Nephi; Jacob; Enos; Jarom; Omni; Words of Mormon; Mosiah Alma 45:19 the Lord took Moses unto himself; and we suppose that he has also received Alma in the spirit, unto himself. " (A Wonderful Flood of Light, p. (Answers to Gospel Questions, 5:48 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. 51) Alma 5:7 he changed their hearts Alma 55:18-19 the Nephites could have slain them. ” And, thank the Lord, he obtained the knowledge, and thank the Lord also, he has kept his pledge. And Alma tarried many days with Amulek before he began to preach unto the people" (Alma 8:26-27). Alma 48:1 he did appoint men to speak unto the Lamanites from their towers. Alma 38:2 I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness. The very questions that Zeezrom asks reveals that he knows there is a God and much more. Alma 42:2 the Lord God sent our first parents forth from the garden of Eden. ) Alma 62:40 because of the prayers of the righteous, they were spared. Alma 56:11 we may console ourselves in this pointthey are happy. I get them all Alma 57:27 their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually We can only imagine Moroni's delight in reading this epistle from Helaman. Alma 20:24 Ammon saw that he had wrought upon the old king according to his desire. Maxwell Alma 18:5 Notwithstanding they believed in a Great Spirit, they supposed that whatsoever they did was right Mormon's commentary contrasts the belief system of the Nephites and Lamanites. Douglas Bassett, p. Alma 26:1 could we have supposed when we started…that God would have granted unto us such great blessings The Lord is able to bless us with things which exceed our comprehension. Alma 23:6 as many of the Lamanites as believednever did fall away. And, thank the Lord, he obtained the knowledge, and thank the Lord also, he has kept his pledge. In a society which emphasizes the importance of having a career, sacrificing a great job for anything seems absurd. Alma gives us a great example in this verse. Alma 40:20 I give it as my opinion. Wherever the gospel is, there too is the call to remembrance. Alma 6:1 he ordained priests and elders, by laying on his hands. The prepared servant is the Lord’s greatest weapon because he or she can preach the word by the Spirit. Kimball "If you would look for valor, stamina, and steadfastness, recall the experiences of the converts of Ammon and his brethren. Alma 40:17 their consignation to happiness or misery. A revelation on excommunication had been recently received by Alma (Mosiah 26:29-32). This lesson explains how the system of judges was organized to Alma 17-22 OVERVIEW: The sons of Mosiah preach the gospel to the Lamanites. " (Gospel Standards, p. Alma's careful remembrance of the captivity of the Nephites goes far beyond being a good student of history. Ammon has a remarkable way of getting his investigators into just the position he wants them. 320) Alma 37:34 teach them to never be weary of good works. The best the sword can do is humble someone enough to pay attention to the word of God. 278 - 279. (See also commentary for Alma 48:11) Alma 47:9-16 Amalickiah seduces and destroys Lehonti Alma 7:1 having had much business that I could not come unto you. This is backing up in time about 14 years to the missionary stories of the sons of Mosiah. Alma was the chief judge-that would mean he was the most powerful judge and lawyer in the land. According to the record, he had absolutely no military experience. )" (Deposition of a Disciple, p. Alma 39:1 Behold, has he not set a good example for thee? Alma 60:4 were this all we had suffered we would not murmur "Helaman was of a similar spirit [as Moroni]. . Alma begins his discussion with a quotation of scripture. 323-5) Alma 36:2 I would that ye should do as I have done, in remembering the captivity of our fathers. Fragmentary as our records are, it is nonetheless clear that all of the prophets of Old Testament times knew and taught that the promised Messiah would be the Son of God. Neal A. Introductory Pages; 1 Nephi; 2 Nephi; Jacob; Enos; Jarom; Omni; Words of Mormon; Mosiah Alma introduces us to the second anti-Christ in the Book of Mormon-Nehor. This evil was referred to by Mormon, Zoramwas leading the hearts of the people to bow down to dumb idols (Alma 31:1). Lamoni’s father is converted. Amulek knows the heart of Zeezrom. However, after many Nephites had been taken prisoner, he changed his policy, ordering Teancum that he should retain all the prisoners who fell into Alma 44:11 ye shall not depart except ye depart with an oath "Captain Moroni was steeped in covenant theology. Alma 51:34 Teancum stole privily into the tent of the king, and put a javelin to his heart "In many ways, Teancum was a heroic extension of Moroni's own quickness, decisiveness, and boldness. This parallelism is to be expected, since the Israelites in Palestine observed the law of Moses and the Nephites kept it 'strictly' for many years (see Mosiah 13:30; Alma 30:3). (See also commentary for Alma 48:11) Alma 47:9-16 Amalickiah seduces and destroys Lehonti Alma 4:20 Almaconfined himself wholly to the high priesthood of the holy order of God The high priesthood of the holy order of God is the Melchizedek priesthood. Alma 14:2 they also said that Amulek had lied unto them, and had reviled against their law. We were mired somewhere in the last half of the book of Alma and, frankly, we weren't getting much out of it. The most decisive military victories came when the chief captain requested divine direction through Alma. This is the “free agency without consequences” doctrine. There are subtle differences between the translations which are worth examining. Hugh Nibley "[Corianton] used the points of doctrine for a pretext [to commit sin], as many people do. This is according to the recurring Book of Mormon theme, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center (1 Ne 16:2). Since wars in pretechnical societies are usually launched at opportune times of the year, the Nephite pattern of warfare tells us something about the seasons and their calendar. Alma 58:2 we durst not go forth and attack them in their strongholds "We can use strategies from the Nephite war stories to help us endure to the end and to overcome temptation. It is an unselfish prayer for the welfare of each and all. Joseph Smith taught that, “the doctrine of translation is a power which belongs to [the] Priesthood. They spat upon and cast out the repentant Zeezrom (Alma 14:7). It has taken ten chapters of abridged history to tell the story of the sons of Mosiah. Alma 10:10 he sent his angel to make these things manifest unto mewhile this Alma hath dwelt at my house. Spencer W. 373-4, as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Yet being top dog had kept him from ever visiting the people of Gideon. It sanctifies the soul, and brings salvation. The parable of the talents (and the very use of parables, themselves) teaches this same principle. The wicked frequently attack the prophets on legal grounds. Yet, Alma seems to take his time before preaching again. ) That the gospel produces peace and joy in people who live it is another evidence that it is true and good. This is evident when compared to the full name of this priesthood as revealed to Joseph Smith, the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God (DC 107:3). Without the gospel of Jesus Christ, such a tragedy is truly devastating. If there was ever a work which engenders silent murmurs and weariness, it is Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching. Alma 11:24 thou knowest that there is a God. The record of Alma in the book of Alma is unique in that it comprises 22. 'Angry with Amalickiah,' (Alma 46:11), he reacted with that speed and decision which is the mark of the great leader in the field. Alma 52:1 the Lamanites awoke on the first morning of the first month "With remarkable consistency, the Nephite record reports a pattern of seasonality in Nephite warfare. ” (McConkie and Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, vol. Alma's people were a great example for they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them. The others are Sariah, Eve, Sarah, Mary, and Isabel (Alma 39:3). It is remarkable in its own right that the sons of Mosiah were able to convert thousands. He knows that his attacker has been taught the doctrine of the kingdom but will not repent because of his love of filthy lucre. He deliberately spends many days with Amulek. Book Menu. 51) Alma 5:7 he changed their hearts Alma 3:6 the Lamanites were darkwhich was a curse upon them. Alma 18:5 Notwithstanding they believed in a Great Spirit, they supposed that whatsoever they did was right Mormon's commentary contrasts the belief system of the Nephites and Lamanites. Aaron met all these requirements and is about to catch the biggest fish in the sea of Lamanite society. A couple of items deserve mention. Alma 43:23 Moronisent certain men unto him, desiring him that he should inquire of the Lord. When Alma took time to teach his sons on an individual basis, Corianton received much more attention than his older brothers. Without the message of salvation, death is a final, tragic separation. Finally, we realize that Alma not only had somewhat more to say to Corianton, but he also had somewhat more to say to us. It is even more remarkable that all the converts endured to the end. He has suggested crying unto God in several different circumstances. 343) Alma 41:1 some have wrested the scriptures, and have gone far astray. 184 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. More than anyone else, Moroni understood that wars are not won by superior armor, stronger fortifications, larger armies, and superior strategy. We might imagine the greatest of blessings, but he is still capable of exceeding our most excellent expectations. Kimball They reviled, spat upon, and cast out Alma when he first came to them (Alma 8:13). They tried bribery to get Amulek to reject the Lord (Alma 11:22) They had rejected warnings and cries of repentance from both Alma and Amulek (Alma 9:15,18; 10:19). So powerful was their conversion process, that they could never turn their backs on the gospel. (Alma 32:35. Alma 45:19 the Lord took Moses unto himself; and we suppose that he has also received Alma in the spirit, unto himself. SCRIPTURES: Jul 30, 2016 · Following this explication, Alma continues by explaining that “whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness” (Alma 39:6). It may be that in Book of Mormon times the dark skin was a curse, but today the descendants of the Lamanites can be proud of their dark skin. " Alma 59:4-5 the remainder of those possessions and cities which the Lamanites had taken As we return to events on the eastern front, it is easy to get confused about the general course of events. For the Nephites, inherent in their belief of God was the strict requirement to keep the commandments according to the Law of Moses. ) If we list to obey Jesus Christ, as our Master, we walk in the light: we receive peace, happiness, prosperity and the other good blessings of this life, and in the world to come, eternal life in our Father's kingdom. Alma 31:5 the preaching of the word had a…more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword Alma’s mastery of the spirit of prophecy and revelation had made him a powerful missionary like the sons of Mosiah. John was speaking figuratively of the saints but the principle is the same when he said, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth (3 Jn 1:4). 303-4) Alma 46:12-13 he rent his coatand wrote upon itAnd he called it the title of liberty. 3, p. Alma 57:27 their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually We can only imagine Moroni's delight in reading this epistle from Helaman. " (Gerald Hansen, Jr. With Lamoni, he had committed him to believe his words before he had taught him even one principle (Alma 18:22-23). Cowan, Alma, TheTestimony of the Word, p. Alma uses great boldness which is not well received. 201) Alma 30:7 there was no law against a man’s belief Alma 42:2 the Lord God sent our first parents forth from the garden of Eden. Alma 29:1 O that I were an angel…that I might go forth…and cry repentance unto every people “[Alma 29] is a soliloquy which finds Alma talking to Alma when none but God was near. Alma 59:4-5 the remainder of those possessions and cities which the Lamanites had taken As we return to events on the eastern front, it is easy to get confused about the general course of events. This is the doctrine of incremental insight, of revelation based on readiness, of precept upon precept; line upon line (Isa 28:10). 18). Ammon is led by the Spirit to deliver his brethren. Alma 43:3 now I return to an account of the wars "The morning was dark and cold, the children were half-asleep, and our reading in the Book of Mormon seemed endless. There is nothing like the joy which comes from children who have been faithful. In a previous battle, Moroni's predecessor, Zoram, had been told where to go to recapture a large body of Nephite captives (Alma 16:5-8). Just before he died Father Smith followed the exemplary pattern of bestowing a father's blessing upon each child individually and having it recorded as did Jacob of old, and Alma, who 'caused that his sons should be gathered together, that he might give unto them every one his charge, separately, concerning the things pertaining unto Alma's advice on these subjects is so filled with the spirit of revelation that it provides one of the great testimonies to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. (Gospel Doctrine, pp. We remember that Alma spent quite a while in Amulek's home; he needed help, "And now, Amulek, because thou hast fed me and taken me in, thou art blessed; for I was an hungered, for I had fasted many days. , p. Alma 1:24 their names were blotted out, that they were remembered no more. This wasn't because Alma was lazy or afraid of the people. Alma is teaching that the resurrection is different than what happens to the soul at death, when the spirit is assigned either to happiness in spirit paradise or to misery in spirit prison. Alma wears the hat of the high priest, chief judge, and commanding general of the Nephite armies. Alma 8:27 Alma tarried many days with Amulek before he began to preach. He uses the Lamanites to punish the people of Ammonihah for rejecting Alma, and in their war-like state, they attack righteous Nephites, cannot win, are humbled because of this, convert to the gospel, get persecuted and slain, which persecution angers yet another group of Lamanites, who exact the Lord's punishment for disobedience to Abinadi's Alma 50:22 those who were faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord were delivered at all times "In the last section of Alma, the lengthy description of war could, at first glance, seem to contradict the assertion that the theme of the book of Alma is the word of God. Kimball Alma 51:34 Teancum stole privily into the tent of the king, and put a javelin to his heart "In many ways, Teancum was a heroic extension of Moroni's own quickness, decisiveness, and boldness. Alma 13:3 a preparatory redemption "All doctrines, ordinances, and powers associated with the gospel of Jesus Christ assume force and meaning only in and through Christ's atoning sacrifice. Men are called to receive the priesthood to assist in the redemption of souls. Jun 28, 2012 · Alma countered, "If we are deceiving the people, why are they filled with joy?" (See verse 35. Instead of preaching the gospel, he had been chasing the harlot Isabel and justifying his actions by questioning the justice of God (Alma The recurring theme of the war section of Alma is that Moroni was a great man, "for if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever" (Alma 48:17). This is one of the greatest reunions in scriptural history. " (Since Cumorah, pp. But the nature of the spirit world was a relatively new doctrine for the Nephites. Helaman was the custodian of the Nephite record and presumably the chief high priest of the church (see heading for Alma 45 and Alma 46:6). Alma 54:2 Moroni felt to rejoice exceedingly at this request Moroni had previously defeated Lamanite armies and then sent them home if they would take an oath never to fight anymore (Alma 44:20). Abinadi was accused of sedition (Mosiah 11:28) and lying (Mosiah 12:14), when the priests and Noah were angry because he so plainly spoke of their iniquities. The words of verse two were taken from Genesis 3:23-24 as recorded on the brass plates of Laban. ' (Alma 31:22. Alma 7:1 having had much business that I could not come unto you. Unlike the first one, which was because of Alma's faith, this visitation was in answer to Amulek's search for a testimony. Abish is noteworthy not just because of her pivotal role in the events of chapter 19 but because she is one of the few women mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon. Alma and Joseph preached the same thing as a result of their trying successfully the experiment of the gospel's goodness. Alma 27:21 the chief judge sent a proclamation…desiring the voice of the people The Nephites are new at the concept of democracy. ' (Alma 3:27. (Richard O. After the angel appeared to Alma to send him back to Ammonihah, he returned speedily (v. Hugh Nibley "For Amalickiah the answer to his problems and the realization of his ambitions lay in military actionUnpopular with most of the Nephites, he had to use Lamanite manpower in his various operations. Amulek's use of language is not accidental. Helaman wrote, 'And they were so much more numerous than was our army that we durst not go forth and attack them in their strongholds' (Alma 58:2). However, a careful reading of the war chapters reveals just the opposite. suiqjtolrkeummefpybdlqsidibkynudmwavkbwtssmouav