Sketchup contour tool It works somewhat, but i have hundreds of icecycle looking lines that make it unusable. Sep 28, 2021 · I have some contours that I traced from an AutoCAD import and the create from contours tool doesn’t seem to be working correctly. Feb 28, 2024 · You’ll still have gaps where your different surfaces failed to join, but it does not matter : the native “from contours” tool, out of sandbox tools will ignore that and create a smooth surface. I have attempted to connect them manually, but it is a very slow and tedious process. If you are using a supported version of SketchUp older than SketchUp 2024, see Add Location in Older Versions of SketchUp. Do I have to manually move every triangle or is there some faster way? I used Toposhaper for modeling and not From Contours tool if it Jun 11, 2021 · Apply the image as a material to a large rectangle positioned above the terrain. Version: 1. Yet, ultimately I need to be able to produce a detailed grading plan that will communicate to a surveyor and contractor solid new contour lines superimposed above the dashed existing contours - old school formatting. Nov 1, 2013 · If you don’t have the time or knowledge to search for and download contour lines from online GIS or topographic data sources, there’s a relatively quick and simple way to generate contour lines in SketchUp from imported Google Earth Terrain. There are some locations where the planes skip contour lines. I have imported some contour lines, which were splines in cad. STEP 5: To adjust the elevation of each contour lines, use the Move Tool. com/pluginstore?pln=TopoShaperConvert contours to meshTopoShaper contour Plugin for Sketchup Feb 29, 2024 · Have followed every thread I can find. As you draw an Arc, don’t be too concerned about following the contour map precisely. The orientation of triangles is denoted as triangulation. I perfectly created the 3D sandbox but the asphalt has many steps which I didn’t expect. I could easily create a kind of terraced appearance by making surfaces and raising each by a metre at a time, but that won’t represent a realistic impression of the gradations. Visions of all the time I’ve wasted over the years not having an understanding of that! One thing, though, and I’m hoping I’m simply missing something, but the stamp tool doesn’t seem to use the inferencing engine in SU. Mar 26, 2016 · Whether you’re modeling a patch of ground for a building or redesigning Central Park in SketchUp, you need one of two terrain-modeling methods: starting from existing data, which usually arrives in the form of contour or topo lines; or starting from scratch. It is almost identical with the Union tool (in the Pro version). I then need to get those lines, on a flat surface on sketchup. skp (3. View/Tool Palettes has a Sandbox entry. Triangulation: Triangles in a TIN are adjustable in diverse directions. Often, when generating terrain with the Sandbox > From contours tool, it has smaller of bigger faults, the generated terrain is not even and smooth and can look (let's face it) "ugly". Mar 9, 2016 · I have a pdf file of the contour lines I’d like to import into Sketch Up and use the sandbox tools to create the 3D landscape. Geolocating a model or adding terrain puts your SketchUp design into real-world surroundings. I’ve tried to group the objects, then explode. Creating a Terrain from Contours: a. I had some nested groups and other junk in the geometry. I recently tried creating CONTOURS for the first time, but neglected to expand the elevations BEFORE creating the contours. 1. Apr 28, 2023 · Turn the model so that the open end faces up. Separate these items into a separate group, and hide that layer until you need it again. Feb 26, 2019 · As I understand it, in SketchUp Pro you can use the “From Contours” tool in the Sandbox to do this automatically. Tried SpirixCode import . I have raised them in sketch up at the desired heights and then have tried to drape them to create a terrain with sandbox but nothing happens. The outlines/faces on the terrain then can modify textures and thickness on each face. If you are using SketchUp on a Mac, click the Configure button. Follow along as we run through the process of taking a smooth mesh and breaking it down into contour lines for a landscape model. to3D tool and then export to . I want to make a terrain from these , so I used the From contours tool in Sandbox toolbar, but… Dec 19, 2023 · Can you share the SketchUp file? Might be at least some of it could be done with From Contours in the Sandbox Tools. There is over a hundred of lines, I would like to avoid shifting each individual one as much as possible. 1 MB) The problem is that the sandbox faces don’t include the origin contour lines, they’ve been smoothed out. i have contour lines from autocad, to create the land. Before we get started, one thing to note is that we will be using tools and methods that are pro-only features! You can convert a contour line into a group using SketchUp's Contour tool. Additionally, I have tried using Fredo spline tools to draw new splines using the dash lines as a template Feb 1, 2015 · SketchUp Beginner Tips Series Mar 11, 2024 · It doesn’t require continuous contours. Then you can select the curves that define the end and use the Sandbox from Contours tool to create a surface. I want to smooth the asphalt as the existing one. Aug 30, 2024 · I have some contours and I see video tutorials that show how to use “from contours” in the sandbox tools to create a terrain surface. Jun 7, 2022 · In the customize toolbar set there are the individual sandbox actions. Or, depending the geometry, it might make more sense to use the imported dxf file as a reference to create new geometry in SketchUp. Feb 1, 2015 · SketchUp Beginner Tips Series May 28, 2021 · To represent 3D terrain contour lines are used by cartographers, surveyors, engineers and architects in flat formats like maps and site drawings. I once had AutoCad survey files with point elevations marked with text. The contours around the tongue are the deepest point on the underside. One on the Draw menu, with “From Contours” and “From Scratch” commands; the other on the Tools menu with all it’s other tools. SketchUp automatically organizes all the TIN geometry into a group, so you have to open the group context to edit the TIN. Or there are some extensions that might. It smooths and moves. I would like to join and blend the two together so that they are one surface that is smooth. Then get the Paint Bucket tool, Hold Command to sample the texture from the rectangle and apply it to the terrain surface. I’ve put other objects on surfaces with the drape tool that Your library of custom third-party extensions created to optimize your SketchUp workflow. This means that when you activate the Markup tool you'll see the iPad Markup toolbar appear at the bottom of the screen. You might also have to add contour lines for building site when you want to model in 3D. By using SketchUp’s Add Location feature, importing data or site context, or creating your own terrain, you can enhance your model with specific and accurate location data and site context. In illustrator I export the pdf file into Jun 20, 2018 · I am trying to blend two surfaces together to achieve a smooth continuous look. If you like this video and would like us to make a tutorial we havent yet done Jul 16, 2019 · Use the Line tool and the 2-Point Arc tool to trace the contours. Or use an extension like Curviloft, or “stitch” between vertices with the Line tool to create triangles. The Contours tool has some things to keep in mind. Tried variations on using Grass v. I draw contours, Oct 19, 2016 · Hi all, I have contour map with topographical lines, each line representing 5m vertical increment. Have been able to import flat file (no elevation) and file with elevation of contours, but never scaled properly or correct aspect ratio (y/x). With the Markup tool you can draw or annotate your model. No olviden dejar su Like, comentario y suscripción, esto ayudara al crecimiento del cana Jun 5, 2011 · Tutorial on how to create terrain from a set of contours on Google Sketchup 8. First I opened the pdf in Adobe Illustrator to strip it back to just the contour lines i. Example 1 - I draw a shape on a piece of paper, scan it. It looks good until I run the “from contours” in the sandbox tools. For exemple, i tell the extention that i want to eliminate all angles smaller then 10º. I know Cartographers, architects, and surveyors use contour lines to create maps from 3D terrain. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious but appreciate any help you can offer. b. Got it cleaned up and from contours works as expected on the open group. If you liked this video please subscribe Dec 27, 2019 · I am trying to find the volume of earth that must be excavated to prepare a driveway (both cut and fill). Use Fredo’s Curvizard to Cleanup Contours, then same tool, Simplify contours, this gets rid of any real strays and reduces the complexity significantly while not losing much definition. I wrote an AutoLisp macro that added a vertical line to every text element, with length derived from its content. One of the primary uses of the Sandbox Tool is to create realistic Calculates a series of horizontal slices through a selection's faces to make the Contours as specified. ) In this video, we check out TIG's free contour maker extension! This tool allows you to quickly create contours from 3D Surfaces in your SketchUp models!CHEC Dec 10, 2017 · Hi All, Can someone direct me to a good tutorial series for the following?: Let’s say I’m modeling a simple one story house with a walkout below with the house placed into a hillside. Any ideas? Jun 17, 2020 · Dear all, I have these contour lines (converted from shapefile to CAD file in ArcGis software) imported to Sketchup Pro. A three-dimensional surface automatically generates from contour lines using the From Contours tool in the Sandbox. May 30, 2021 · Hello, I’m very new to terrain modeling so I’m kindly asking for help. To import your . Importing Geolocated Files in Other Formats SketchUp supports importing geolocated files containing geographic coordinates from a variety of formats including: Jul 11, 2022 · Scale up the contours by 100 so you are working with a reasonable size. Draw or import your contour lines. 6 Categories: Construction, Drawing, Measurements Compatibility: Pre-8, v2013, v2014, v2015 SketchUp’s Add Location feature is a great way to add both geolocation data and site context to your models. dxf. Vertices within the selected area will appear highlighted. The easiest ways to create your own terrain is to add contour lines to your model and then create a TIN using those lines, or to create a flat rectangular TIN and shape it into your desired terrain. Right click on the texture and choose Projected. Jun 17, 2015 · I am trying to use contours to construct the ditches in Sketchup. SketchUp will generate a terrain surface based on the contours. Mar 15, 2017 · My contours are correct, and should be showing what is a retaining wall, however when I use the “from contour” tool, it connects incorrectly. The issue is that the contours in the PDF are all disconnected dashes. I first the trace the ditch outline from a ground plan in Adobe Illustrator. Any time I try to make the space between contours solid shapes and move them, Sketchup crashes. Once you have contour lines, you can push/pull them into their proper position and if you need, you can produce a surface mesh using the sandbox tools. Using the offset tool, I take the outline of the ditch and create another edge set inside slightly (say 1m). The main Sandbox tools entry is in the bottom part of the Tools menu. Usage: Plugins > Contours Downloads: 18163 [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ] Jan 7, 2019 · Hi. dwg file with a contour map of the site. Oct 24, 2018 · In this sketchup tutorial we cover how to generate a contour map with sketchup. I have made the surface by ‘from contours’. These seem to be arranged over the whole model so that when a surface is created using sandbox, it leaves obvious lines across the surface. I’m trying to flatten a selected part of my terrain so it’s on the same height as the terrace but I’m struggling. Click the contour line that you want to adjust, then click the Move Tool> press the up key button (keyboard)> pull-up the selected contour line or object vertically (it is locked to the blue axis)> Type the elevation value shown in ‘Measurements Toolbar’ (follow the elevation value from the Google map)> press Enter key Apr 10, 2019 · I have started to use Chief Architect and the program uses 2D Topo lines to do the terrain. I can 2. The web-based versions don’t have that option because it is an extension. dwg, *. So what it does is to eliminate small angles. Original contour files are 1 foot (from LIDAR level 2) in my state’s CRS (ESRI:103558 The Markup tool in SketchUp for iPad uses the iPad's native Markup capabilities. I started the sandbox tools pretty thoroughly and I’m familiar with the TIN and Hidden geometry aspects, not to mention sketch up nuances with respect to how it doesn’t work i. Sandbox Tools. To jump right in, see Getting Started with Add Location. Is there a one-click solution to to arrange them vertically? Alternatively if I closed the space between all the lines creating surfaces, is there an extension that would allow to extrude Mar 19, 2022 · I once wrote a Lisp routine for AutoCad that read the numbers in such text entities and drew a vertical line to the corresponding height at the location of the texts. I got them in a DWG file, which I could easily import to Sketchup Pro Aug 20, 2021 · I am looking for the best, or maybe quickest, way to produce 3D terrain from a 2D plan with contours, like this: I can import all the lines satisfactorily into SU. Having followed all instructions etc, I am still asked to select contour lines (even Click the Sandbox From Contours tool on the Sandbox toolbar or select Draw > Sandbox > From Contours on the menu bar. 6 Categories: Construction, Drawing, Measurements Compatibility: Pre-8, v2013, v2014, v2015 Apr 22, 2024 · Use the sandbox tools. I then need to import that onto a flat surface as lines. I got contour lines 1ft apart (our land is quite complex and I need as much detail as possible) generated by LiDAR imaging. here is the result with a 1m spacing : Nov 11, 2014 · If you use the “From Contours” tool in the Sandbox in SketchUp, it will make a nice TIN (triangulated irregular network) from the contour lines, but a TIN is hard to modify or edit. The Smoove tool is great for creating or editing hills and valleys. I have tried all of the basic terrain tools like sandbox, toposhaper and cloud triangulation. I am struggling to create a topo mesh with the Topo Survey PDF provided by my client. If I just pull it with move tool, it doesn’t turn out good. You can tweak the geometry after drawing the Arc. Either way, the contour lines instantly become a TIN, as shown in the following figure. I have a . Any ideas Dec 20, 2022 · In this video, we talk about how to use the SketchUp extension Sandbox tools to quickly create surfaces from contours in SketchUp!FULL SANDBOX TOOLS TUTORIAL Jan 8, 2015 · Once in sketch up, I ran a simplify contours extension and then was able to manipulate the contour lines normally. Nov 5, 2019 · Take those landscape models up a notch with this week's Skill Builder. Open up SketchUp and click on the add imagery icon. Mar 15, 2019 · This tutorial is going to cover how to turn contour lines into a 3D terrain contour map in Sketchup. I was placing building pads in a sloping terrain model and If your contour lines are a raster image file, you can trace the contour lines in SketchUp. If you are using SketchUp on Windows, click the Options button. You sometimes need to model the contour lines of a site in 3D. See below pics: Mar 23, 2020 · You could just superimpose the original contour lines back on top of the surface that the sandbox tools created like this: Contour with edges. For example, they would connect contours 1 and 3 but skip 2. flip edges etc. Also, ensure your units are set to the same units you exported your contour data. I am trying use the Push/Pull tool to give these pieces the proper elevations. So i instaled an extention called “Simplify Contours”. The Stamp tool creates a flat surface on terrain that matches the bottom of an entity you would like to place on your terrain. Sandbox Tools are great for Apr 30, 2020 · Can anyone help me? I am currently running the trial of sketch up pro. Dec 20, 2021 · SU插件百科免费下载。当你导入CAD的等高线图形时,SketchUp通常会将样条线绘制的等高线转换为包含数百条甚至数千条直线段的多段线。此插件减少了组成等高线的段数,从而减少了总体文件大小,从而更容易使用SketchUp中的等高线。 Dec 15, 2024 · Good morning, I’m trying to put roads on terrain with drape tool. Apr 14, 2017 · The second is the mesh that I generated from contours (sandbox tools) Just wondering if there are any other ways to create a mesh that works with straight lines rather that curved organic contours. Whatever program you have the contour lines in, export it to a SketchUp compatible file, import it into SketchUp, explode or open the group, select all the contour lines and finally click the contour button in the sandbox tools. It’s easy to turn the existing contours into Feb 12, 2015 · The contour lines need to move up so the top will be at 1/4" all the way through (except the tongue). Sep 15, 2020 · lack of depth of understanding about how groups work. Render huge amounts of vegetation, quickly populate city blocks, create parametric assemblies, crowds, you name it! Jul 18, 2017 · This is an excellent plugin, TopoShaper by Fredo6, generates Terrains from iso-contours, that is, contours which have a constant or quasi-constant altitude. But when I click on Tools>Sandbox I only see Smoove, Stamp, Drape, Add detail and Flip edge. Simplify Contours Tool. In this case, you left with the original lines them; they can be moved, hidden, or deleted. You can try the Sandbox from Contours tool to put a surface between a bunch of edges but that doesn’t work with vertical surfaces. Practical Applications and Techniques. Apr 29, 2013 · 3D SketchUp Community for Design and Engineering Professionals. This should create a seamless plane for you. Oct 3, 2023 · Hi, I am importing contours into Sketchup and creating a surface using the sandbox tool. Aug 16, 2018 · FYI: The Outer Shell tool does not work with lines, only with solid groups and components. Follow the steps below to find out how. Feb 9, 2015 · Hello SketchUp forums! Total noob here, so please excuse my ignorance. Each one of the contour lines is supposed to represent 1/16". The drawing below is of a mesh that I have smoothed out with the standard soften edges tool in sketch up, I then drew the top of the mesh and rounded it off and used the sandbox tool to fill the mesh. Uses. Jan 4, 2014 · Ada 10 tool yang terdapat pada kolom panel plug-in Sandbox tools, dari kiri ke kanan ialah :-From contours tool-From scratch tool-Smoove tool-Stamp tool-Drape tool-Add detail tool-Flip edge tool Di bawah ini adalah penjelasannya : Enabling the Sandbox tools (mengaktifkan sandbox tool) Cara mengaktifkan panel plug-in Sandbox Tool : May 2, 2016 · I have a contour lines from an autocad drawing i’m trying to bring into sketchup. dwg contour data, select File > Import. Oct 22, 2014 · so i want to be able to create lines from an image. This gives me an accurate outline of the footprint of the ditch. From Contours, From Scratch, Smoove, for example. I am wondering if there is an easy way to smooth these out. Some old documentation will refer to Extensions in Preferences, but that was a long time ago. Suggestions can include native tools as well as Aug 10, 2023 · Hi, I am using some contour data, but it contains odd sharp edges line in the picture, this is a result of the resolution being used. In the past few years there's been some bumps in the road for geolocation in Jan 20, 2021 · How do the architects on this Forum produce professional grading plans in SketchUp? Obviously the Sandbox Tools will be a big help. Activate the Smoove tool. The drape tool does not work. The drape tool in sandbox ext, creates outlines / faces of objects on the terrain or a flat surface. Mar 6, 2016 · Yes, it is a bit strange, but the Sandbox Tools extension creates 2 sub-menus. Jul 12, 2021 · I’m familiar with the Drape tool however it only seems to drop an outline onto my geometry which isn’t very useful. Now I am unable to UNDO the contours, expand the elevations in my landscape and Nov 18, 2024 · Simplify Contours: reduces the number of edge segments that make up the contour lines, reducing the overall file size and making it easier to work with the contours in SketchUp. I Mar 22, 2022 · Hi, I would love some guidance using Sketchup Pro for mapping the terrain of our 20-acre land 😃 Apologies for the lengthy post but all these issues are related and I truly need help ASAP with this. Click on the 'From Contours' tool. Under file type, select AutoCAD Files (*. Click the Sandbox From Contours tool on the Sandbox toolbar or select Draw > Sandbox > From Contours on the menu bar. Nov 9, 2023 · I’m having a trouble in creating a terrain from contour DWG. Using TIG’s or thomthom’s tools, you can make your own regular mesh from the TIN, and that will be much easier to reshape. The Smoove tool functions a lot like how it sounds. The file is a vector and each contour line is a distinct polyline - so far so good I think. I would like to make this into a volume, and intersect it with other volumes, using the solids tools. When i then use Mar 18, 2017 · 3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp. Unfortunately I didn’t create a separate layer for the contours so I “baked-in” the contours and saved my work before retiring for the evening. . Sep 9, 2015 · Hello All! Hoping someone might be able to help me out. Right context click on the Arc > Explode Curve Jan 7, 2024 · Hello, I have a question for the SU Gurus. But they are too complex. e. Have used basic sketchup as a high school design teacher for past year. Espero que sea de gran utilidad este video para su vida profesional. Mar 28, 2019 · Hello all, I am trying to move my trees down onto the surface. SIMPLE METHODS OF CREATING CONTOURS IN SKETCHUPThanks for watchingPlease subscribe to my channel for more tutorialsQuick Way of Comparing Old & New Drawing D Dec 9, 2019 · I recently had the opportunity to dig in a little deeper to the sandbox tools, particularly the stamp tool. I read thru the forums and looked though the extension warehouse and tried “simplify contours” and “edge tools” with a variety of parameters Oct 16, 2018 · It’s been a while, so a wanted to make a video talking about the functions contained within Sandbox tools, SketchUp’s built-in terrain modeling extension!Wan After importing or creating your own terrain, you may want to add new entities to your model. You can draw or import the contour lines you want to use to create your terrain. May 7, 2024 · I know how to use the sandbox tools when creating new, from scratch but cant seem to figure out how to contour an existing surfaces, I am Working a site plan and have landscaping beds and want to add a litte contour. Any other objects or surfaces are taking projected outlines, but not the roads. If you can import actual geometry, you just need to turn the contour lines into a TIN (triangulated irregular network) using the From Contours tool, as explained in Creating Terrain from Scratch. Am now back in full time freelance landscape design and downloaded sketchup pro. delete title block and text etc. shp plugin without success. I want to create smooth contours from contour lines which I have imported as a DWG file from a survey. Jun 25, 2017 · Plugun Name : TopoShaperBy : Fredo6Download : https://sketchucation. Creating Realistic Landscapes. (Both sub-menus are labeled “Sandbox”. It will probably need some cleanup. I need to remove all of these lines, so that the shape of the surface, fits with the outside shape of the base contour. the edge of the tongue drops at a 90* angle until it hits the bottom. Example 2 - I have an image and change it to black and white with high contrast / create a silhouette , i then create an outline on something like photoshop. Contour Maker: calculates a series of horizontal slices through a selection's faces to make the Contours as specified. How do you do this in SketchUp Free? Yes, the Desktop versions of SketchUp have the Sandbox Tools which is designed for this sort of thing. use it on the newly created contours. when it creates the contours it goes beyond the outside shape of the base contour and connects any internal indentations, hopefully the attached picture explains this a bit better. Things that you must remember about the From Contours tool: To create the surface, you must select all the contour lines SketchUp's Sandbox from Scratch tool and Sandbox from Contours tool only generate TINs, but one can import a polygon mesh as well as make a polygon mesh (by hand) applying other SketchUp tools. When I scaled it 10 000 times in the vertical direction the vertical distance of the contour lines became 100 mm in SketchUp. That could then be imported into SketchUp and a terrain mesh added with the Sandbox from Contours tool. I know Clothworks exists for a drape function but I have to imagine there is Mar 22, 2016 · Edit: As the model is so flat that the Scale tool in SketchUp doesn’t show the blue scaling grip, I had to try it in AutoCad. dxf). I have successfully imported the contour lines for my guitar top from Illustrator. Select all the contour lines. Contours - Model - 3D Warehouse We use web browser cookies to create content and ads that are relevant to you. I have tried using the Fredo6 plugins and smoothing the lines May 28, 2021 · By using the From Contours tool in the Sandbox which can automatically release a three-dimensional surface from the set of contour lines that are there. To use the Smoove tool: Select the area of the TIN you want to edit. Is there a different extension I can use that would let me create an object, drape it onto a contoured terrain, and leave it as that object? Draping lines onto land geometry is fairly useless to me. I was wondering if I could use the SketchUp 3D terrain location tool and export it as 2D contour lines to be used a DWG file for other programs. c. Use the GeoLocate Terrain to quickly and accurately produce contour lines on your models and your Site Plan Drawings. (The other volumes are the driveway extended upward along the blue axis, for the cut volume; and the driveway extended downward, for the There are other ways to create a hilly landscape but the idea of this video is to work on a small parcel of land that is on a single grade. it simplifyes based on small angles. Stamping. Oct 28, 2016 · Hello, Another frustrated Sketchup user. When imported into SketchUp the contours tool could be used to fit a surface over them. Push/Pull still doesn’t want to select the objects When you import a Sketchup file, SketchUp positions it in a location corresponding to the geolocation data in your current project. Creating a TIN From Contour Lines. The Stamp tool and the Drape Tool can help add those entities and incorporate them into the terrain you’ve added. I then used Sandbox, softensmooth to get the edges back, removed the parts not wanted. But by doing so, it creates very small lines with bigger angles. omat bksbe kkc xfhfks zsyyo rkwnm xdq abgocvy duqou crwp