Vsync on or off apex Cap your framerate Sep 6, 2021 · depends on what game i guess, some can get choppy with Vsync on, even with a god pc, if you turn off vsync, then its butter smooth mostly, but you have screen tear, but then we have Gsync, although it doesn't seem to work for me, even though my monitor is Gsync compatible. Apex Legends: Apex Legends: General Discussion: V-Sync, on or off? V-Sync, on or off? Options. It will cap your framerate to your monitor's refresh rate. mat_vsync_mode" and change it from 0 to -1. 30 GHz 32 GB RAM Disable vsync and use rtss to cap fps slightly below your monitor refresh rate. Vulkan/OpenGL Present Method Auto Vsync supposed to sync frames so there isn’t tearing, so the image will look lagged because not everything is keeping up with the camera when it’s off. " So V-sync on in the NV Control Panel is not really V-sync on, except if your framrate exceeds the monitor's max Hz. If you enabled full vsync, then anytime the framerate drops below 60fps, it goes all the way down to 30fps. 1 on SSD. You will still get screen tearing, inferior motion clarity, and inconsistent frame times regardless of your frame rate or monitor if G-Sync is disabled (Not the case with V-Sync on, but you never want to use V-Sync without G-Sync). In valorant I cant tell because the fps fix update diddnt got pushed out yet. If your screen is tearing, go to nvidia control panel and turn vsync to fast mode. For this game, keep your monitor at 240Hz with G-SYNC + NVCP V-SYNC "On" + in-game V-SYNC disabled. Feb 15, 2020 · Vsync – Off. Appreciate any help, thanks I currently play on PS5 and feel a terrible amount of input delay/lag on Apex compared to playing on the PC with VSYNC - OFF. DLSS. Perfect for great aim, and aim is important in Apex. Since the monitor is a G-Sync monitor, I have V-Sync on in the Nvidia control panel and V-Sync OFF inside apex, this does not really matter though because I use RTSS (RivaTuner) to lock the framerate so it stays within the G-Sync range. Look up blur busters dot com if you want some detailed info on VSYNC etc. A good alternative to vsync is using borderless windowed mode. Aug 15, 2021 · Limit your FPS to your monitor refreshrate using RTSS or fps_max, and turn off V-Sync in Apex and NVCP. V-Sync on game options should always be checked off, unless you're playing those old scrolling game. Freesync matches the Hz of your monitor to the frames the game puts out. mat_vsync_mode = 3 This sets V-Sync to "Adaptive". Double-click on the videoconfig file and open it with Notepad. In apex at 1440p I usually get an average of 240 fps at max settings, but with Vsync on (Nvidia Control Panel) it maxes out at 158 fps, which is close to my monitors refresh rate of 165Hz. This seems to work best so far even with occasional fps drops. I've changed some settings which have helped, but want to know what other people are running to compare to. V-Sync on Nvidia panel is different, and you'll need more specific tips to optimize it to your needs. For the purposes of FreeSync should I be using Frame Rate Target Control, or VSYNC? AMD recommends V-Sync, but some games introduce a lot of input lag and in those ones you might rather use FRTC. With a 60 FPS monitor your adaptive sync range might be low, so v-sync off while adaptive sync is on might be better for you. The command that you need is +fps_max unlimited. Turn vsync off in game first (which unlocks the frames to 144). When running games with vsync off they looks terrible. Which is there beside vsync off and on as additional option. Then limit frames with RTSS to 141fps. With VSync off the game is capped at 144 FPS but my refresh rate is 120Hz. Are There Any Drawbacks to Using And turn Vsync off in nvidia control panel. Try that. However, if I set vsync to "adaptive", the framerate unlocks, and it'll surpass the monitors refresh rate. It's 59 FPS at 60Hz, 116 FPS at 120Hz, and so on. Feb 17, 2019 · This tip shows you how to unlock/uncap your frame rate in Apex Legends. Multithreaded rendering Adaptive VSync SHOULD give you the same amount of input lag as regular old VSync, only difference is it just turns off when you drop below refresh rate. Don't listen to nvidia. Turn RTSS off because NVIDIA ReFlex should be capping 1 below your refresh anyways or at least it is on my system. V-Sync Off Latency measurements for Quake Champions, Destiny 2, Warzone, and Apex Legends, with NVIDIA Reflex testing as well!0:00 Intro1:37 Testing Setup2:4 For G-SYNC gamers who don’t want to tear when above the refresh rate of their monitor, keeping V-SYNC ON while using NVIDIA Reflex, will automatically cap the framerate below the refresh rate, preventing V-SYNC backpressure, eliminating tearing, and keeping latency low if you become GPU bound below the refresh rate of your display. Jul 31, 2024 · Vertical Sync, or VSync, synchronizes the refresh rate and frame rate of a monitor to prevent screen tearing. Step 1 - Set the highest refresh rate your monitor will go, disable vsync in the Nvidia control panel enable Gsync in the Nvidia control panel and disable vsync in game. That's the best you can do, unless you uncap the fps entirely but the tearing / input lag that follows is on you. No idea what else I can try, I can get over 144 in other games so I don’t know what’s licking apex to 144. For performance gaming, I've seen people say it's best to run uncapped, even with it being over your monitors refresh rate. G-sync is hardware based so if you are using it you will never need v-sync. I would say try it both ways and see what you like more. Same boat, with the tearing happening in the same area, game seems a little fucked up cause my frames are capped to 165 (same as monitor) when I have v sync completely turned off, but when I turn on adaptive vsync in apex it unlocked my frames. FSR. Mar 19, 2015 · When i bought my PC and installed a windows 8. Sep 12, 2022 · That said, if it's 240Hz 144 FPS G-SYNC on + V-SYNC on vs. Reply reply lowbatteryprocent Feb 18, 2024 · I personally prefer turning VSync off while playing fast-paced competitive FPS games like Apex Legends or Valorant, in which I can't risk experiencing input lag or other system performance issues. Adaptive Resolution FPS Target 0. Enable Nvidia Reflex, or Anti-Lag if you have a AMD gpu. What is the difference between aliasing and anti-aliasing? Aliasing is the visual stair-stepping of edges that occurs in an image when the resolution is too low. I did not like it and always played with VSync Off and G-Sync Off. Yoo, when's the apex developers going to give us an option to turn off vsync? It's just like unplayable with input lag and I don't understand why newer generations of consoles don't have the option to turn off vsync? It shouldn't be too complicated, right? Just an option that allows players to turn vsync off or not. Notice the framerate locked at 143. I have written a complete article that discusses why you should stay clear of Vsync. The muddy feeling will diminish greatly. Feb 11, 2019 · You can go on nvidia control panel and force Vsync OFF specifically for APEX legends. Load up APEX and turn down settings until you hit 141. Like 237. 8ms avg Notes: Non Gsync Vsync has lower latency when using ingame vsync. Tearing above max refresh is not an issue. In-game Vsync: Depends on the game entirely. You'll get tearing, but the GPU can render frames as it likes. On, smoother, saves power (fps locked), no screen tearing. Then, scroll and look for the "setting. With FreeSync, FPS limiting, and in-game Vsync off, tearing and stuttering are handled perfectly without needing Vsync. exe - turn verticle sync to application control and change max frame rate to off. You might want to turn V-sync off while playing competitive games. Nvidia Reflex Enabled. the only problem i’ve run into is if you’re trying to learn more advanced movement tech, a higher frame rate gives you G-Sync On + V-sync ON in NVCP, V-sync OFF in game Turn on Nvidia reflex on Also cap your fps -3 your maximum refresh rate. Can anyone explain what V-Sync actually does to MMO's? I know it synchronizes the Fps of the normal offline single player games with our monitor's refresh rate. I just use 144 cap and gsync off with low latency mode on monitor + low latency on in Apex. Adaptive Supersampling Disabled. I even checked Nvidia control panel but I see no reason why my frames still cap at 144 on Vsync off Xbox Game bar > Set all slides to Off. In CS:GO I had a Zowie 240Hz monitor, and here VSync On threw my aiming off. Once I bought the PS5 I was eager to start playing Apex but the amount of input delay compared to the PC is just horrible. However, this is more to my detriment as it occasionally dips below 144 fps, and it will feel choppy at times and I wanted a way to remedy this. (1ms improvement) Gsync Vsync will only work when using vsync in NVCP, the frame cap wont engage otherwise. Texture Streaming Budget Very low. If I turn it on in-game does it still take effect? Edit: There is also the factor of input lag. If you get 60% GPU usage at 60 FPS, you may get 99% usage at 100 FPS which can cause input lag or stutter anyway. Made alot of posts about this issue and the apex devs dont seem to care about it, so sad that a big company like Respawn only care about making skins to make profit and never listen to community feedback V-Sync V-Sync must be enabled. In Apex, you must use Adaptive V-Sync ingame. Even in competitive games i lock it, vsyn 144fps on csgo is miles better than vsync off 250fps+, on my monitor with vsync off games just look horrible, very choppy even with freesync enabled If you have monster GPU you can play with no freesync, no vsync, fps cap off. On a 144 hz monitor. It has to do with aligning stream and your screen refresh rate. In nvidia control panel turn g sync on. But now, I want to get more. Meanwhile v-sync off means a little screen tearing is okay, but try to keep it near the top or bottom. Sep 11, 2014 · Ok so here is the deal, In 2020 I played Apex Legends on a 1070-Ti and an Asus g-sync monitor at 144 Hz. 138fps cap with consistent framerate + Gsync works wonders on Apex and on any other shooter. if you have problems when it’s on, you could go into the launch commands to uncap it. But my question is, does it have any effect whatsoever on game play of "MMO's" ? Will I have a delay/Lag of any kind if I turn it off? Tried v sync off, double and triple. setting. Apex Legends: Season 5 | RTX 2080 Super | 1080p | Custom Settings | G-Sync vs V-Sync vs No Sync | FPS Performance Comparison | DirectX 12 | Monitor 165hz (Nv Why doesn't Apex have the option to turn off vsync on console, forcing us to play with 100+ms delay ? I play on pc and console and switch a lot, and the delay on console literally makes me nauseous? Isn't this supposed to be standard for competitive games? Aug 2, 2018 · V-Sync คืออะไร. You will have lowest input lag this way, but you will get some screen tearing because of frame variance. The Pros of V-Sync. Vsync on and off in nvidia control panel. Gsync is a must for apex, but keep it off for other games. Even without adaptive FPS this is the correct V-Sync setting when using Gsync/Freesync. Yeah I am playing on laptop so in ncp I had either off or ultra. G-Sync On/V-sync off: Some screen tearing is okay if you keep it to the top or bottom of the screen. Maybe theere is a bit more of tweaking possible in terms of fps. -Tried to use empty stand by list. Ive got: GPU: Geforce GTX 1650 Monitor: DELL SE2419HR 75hz 8GB ram is v-sync good or not for fps games like valorant, csgo, apex. Vsync latency improves with FPS stability, because Apex FPS stability is erratic multi layerd FPS caps are needed. So it turns out that no matter what setting you put V-sync on, its always on and will lock your fps. I find FPS over your refresh rate isn't nearly as bad as low fps. So the higher your FPS, the less input lag you'll have. FPS caps Enable: Nvidia reflex on+boost, if your GPU reaches 80c in game then only set Reflex to on. Jul 2, 2021 · Within its range, G-SYNC is the only syncing method active, no matter the V-SYNC “On” or “Off” setting. If you turn vsync off your latency gets better but you might experience big fluctuations or tearing, if you limit your framerate (with sth like vsync) say to 60fps you have a fixed latency but a more stable image rate. The point of Gsync is to match your refresh rate to your GPUs frames per second. Input lag and FPS seem like they're quite strongly related here. VSync adds a lot of input lag, so it's probably a bad idea Fast Sync is a better option, but it may introduce some stuttering. Nvidia control panel turn vsync off (controversial some will say). Model detail on highest, anti-aliasing on, native resolution, adaptive resolution off, vsync off. If you play very old games (or console ports) or see tearing or latency issue (Alt+R), set V-Sync on in games. There's no reason to keep vsync on if you cap your framerate by 3 below your monitor's refresh rate since you're never going to go above it, which eliminates the tearing that is caused by going over your screen's Hz. AMD 3950x with Nvidia 3080 Ti. This makes the game seem very laggy, and cause huge stutter as the game oscillates between 60fps and 30fps. It creates input lag which can affect your aim and overall is more of a hindrance than anything else. Vsync is awful and you probably already know that you should be turning it off. It’s honestly astounding how much more responsive Apex is on PC compared to consoles. May need to experiment with that one yourself. If your going to use gsync with vsync, do it in game as Double Buffered. If you don't use GSync, Turn VSYNC Off. Turning it off and adding a cap below the maximum refresh rate of your monitor is the best way to do it. Apex is the only game I can't turn it off and it has the most input delay out of every game on Xbox. Nov 10, 2022 · 垂直同期をオフにするべきゲームとは、いわゆるfpsゲーム、例えばApex Legendsやフォートナイト、VALOLANT、タルコフ、などです。 高フレームレートを追求してリアルタイムでバトルをするようなゲームです。 It caps your framerate to the limit of your Freesync range, and if FPS drops below your Freesync range it works as standard V-Sync. Jul 19, 2020 · -Installed and Reinstalled Apex legends-Tried to use v-sync with freesync-Tried to use raedon chill + freesync + v-sync ( still visible tearings and sometimes weird lag for a second, But still best option for me now. Hope that clears things up. It appears exactly the same as full screen(no border) but uses Windows' built in screen buffer. Turn off V-Sync in game. AMD themselves stated to disable vsync when using freesync as seen here. While playing, the ability to make sure the game screen won’t look like it is tearing apart is a great benefit. not all the time. I definitely use it in most games, as well as apex on a 3090. Set your power management mode setting to prefer maximum performance. 120-180 fps for apex with your build seems a bit off. Don't use 1/2 Adaptive. If vsync is off the game feels smooth but also weirdhard to explain and i see some screen tearing now and then. It looks that the option vsync = OFF really turns it ON (and the FPS is capped at the monitor's refresh rate) and the opposite way around Off/Fast It depends on whether you use GSync or not. Generally, the more FPS the more GPU usage. Vsync would make it impossible to go higher than the refresh rate of the monitor (165Hz in my case) so to me the problem now seems to be related to the vsync option IMHO. V-sync on can delay the frame to match your FPS. So if you have a 60hz = 57hz, 120 = 117, 144 = 141, 165 = 162. but vsync can cause some input lag depending on your computer. So in theory you could have less delay and better frame timings with V-sync off. VSync is On and G-Sync is On. I did notice an extremely negligible input lag at 140 fps. Do you even know what vsync does? It matches frames to monitor refresh rate and therefore creates latency, you most definitely want it off in competitive games. Also I thought that’s exactly what v sync did, which is eliminate screen tear and get rid of that breaking look lol Step 3 - Apex in-game video setting Display mode Fullscreen. Calm down. The Division 1 Benchmark ( 00:08 ) The Division 2 Benchmark ( 01:40 ) Doom Eternal ( 03:17 ) Call of Duty Cold War Zombie ( 05:00 ) Call of Duty Modern War Hey guys, Ever since season 2 I've been having performance issues with Apex. Arguably, the biggest benefit of V-Sync is when you have a less-than-elite monitor to play with. If there are issues, it's not because they're both enabled together or because it's a mix of on off (NVCP will override the core function of Vsync either way), so long as both don't cause issues, together they still wouldn't cause issues. . Aug 17, 2020 · If you use G-SYNC with 360Hz, use a 355fps cap with the Overwatch in-game capping feature. I figured this by searching forums. Jul 21, 2024 · On the other hand, if you are facing input lag or a decreased frame rate, turning VSync OFF will be the correct alternative. Alternatively, you can use G-SYNC on + V-SYNC off + Reflex to prevent the auto FPS limit, but that will still allow tearing with G-SYNC, even with framerates inside the refresh rate. Having vsync on will still work with freesync but you get input lag because of vsync. Texture Filtering Anisotropic Bilinear. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ก่อนอื่นเรามารู้จักกันก่อนว่า V Sync ย่อมาจาก Vertical Synchronization เป็นซอฟต์แวร์ที่คอยควบคุมกระบวนการ Refresh Rate ของการ์ดจอเวลาเล่นเกมให้เท่ากับ Hz For competetive games you should disable gsync and in those games wich let your fps go below 240 hz just toggle 144hz. 1 for the first time games worked perfect vsync on or off. 240Hz 144 FPS G-SYNC off + V-SYNC off, the average latency difference will be 1-2ms max (with visible tearing directly providing the latency reduction), so it depends on whether you can tolerate tearing or no. For other one you need fastest response on the monitor an gsync off(it will not work anyway), vsync on or off , and no cap on fps. When vsync is "Disabled", the framerate appears to be locked at 144 fps, regardless of what I'm looking at, or if I lower settings. I cap my FPS at 240 and set my refresh rate to 360hz. Was recently playing at a very unstable 60 FPS (no vsync) on an ancient gaming laptop and it felt exponentially easier to aim and shoot compared to the solid vsynced 60 I get in Series X. Since the CPU can't get too far ahead of the GPU in frame delivery, it also results in very low input lag. In CS2 I use a Zowie 360Hz monitor. Apr 8, 2020 · I have a 75hz free sync monitor and play mostly apex legends with an Nvidia GTX 1070 strix. Disable Low latency mode, Vsync, FPS caps. I've been using triple buffered for most of the time and its been locked on 60 fps. Nov 12, 2013 · The title says it all. Sprint View Shake Minimal. Capped FPS – Limiting frame rates prevents exceeding max refresh. when i turn on vsync on double tripple or adaptive the game feels smooth as butter but also slower much slower, so slow im not as good as i was. V-sync definitely does add a lot of delay, I don’t know how most people deal with it and I don’t know the exact numbers so I’ll leave the question for someone with a definitive answer. Thanks to the video credited below there is a fix to that and it is highly recommended that you do this to help the game feel less choppy. First of all, in-game Vsync and NVCP Vsync don't "clash". All my other ingame settings are set to low or disabled. In a game like Valorant it's essentially the same as enabling VSync permanently unless your hardware is so weak that it drops below 60 FPS sometimes (which is terribly unlikely in Valorant). V-sync on solves the problem in another way: lock-step the GPU to the refresh rate of the display. Nowadays, it is noticeably better for me personally when VSync is On. I explain how-to in detail below. Adaptive V-SYNC isn't applicable to G-SYNC. You should definitely be turning Vsync off on every game. Ant-aliasing None. This is separate from the specific setting where G-Sync/FreeSync is turned on. I've read a solution is to turn V-sync off in-game and turn V-sync on in Nvidia settings. true. It doesn't matter if it's in the game settings or in your Nvidia/AMD control panel. V-sync is budget g-sync that is much worse. Nov 14, 2023 · Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoyed this Apex Legends video!#Apex #ApexLegends #ControllerMovement #ControllerTapStrafe #NoRecoilControl Nov 6, 2020 · All Vsync settings feel weird and somehow my game at Vsync Off caps my game at 144FPS (my monitor refresh rate) Using all the other vsync settings gives me unlimited performance but the game feels like as if im getting lower performance? I get around 210-240 fps in shooting range. Basically everything on low detail on medium should do it. Sep 20, 2021 · For no auto FPS limit with G-SYNC + V-SYNC (NVCP or in-game) in Apex, use LLM "On" or "Off" and disable Reflex in-game. Dog keeps shaking and yawning. If it doesn’t try googling “g-sync vs v-sync” Without v-sync the gpu would overwrite the front buffer while it is still being read from. exe Normally, I run apex legends with gsync enabled, vsync enabled in the control panel but off in game settings, and I use RTSS to cap fps at 157fps. The problem is when a game tries to exceed the framerates of max Hz in G-SYNC, there's a sudden increase in input lag as the monitor switches to VSYNC ON operation. Disabling it, makes more screen tear happen. But for absolute majority of people fps do drop below their monitor refresh range, so the best option is to run freesync on, vsync on, fps cap several frames below G-Sync and V-Sync ON in NVCP NULL set to Ultra in NVCP V-Sync OFF in-game Reflex ON or ON+Boost in-game Frame rate cap is not necessary these days as NULL Ultra and Reflex both automatically cap your frame rate as a proportion of your refresh rate when combined with NVCP V-Sync. this ofcourse annoys me. Only reason I can think of is using different methods of VSync (double vs triple buffered), but AFAIK regular VSync on Apex is triple buffered. After that, click save on the File tab or do Ctrl+S. Turn V-Sync off for individual competitive games, turn on Reflex in compatible games. V-Sync Disabled. Freesync On + V-sync On + Anti-lag On + FPS cap to 4 frames below max The full V-sync delay will not trigger, because the game will never hit max refresh anyway to engage it + Freesync = smooth experience. exe as an Administrator Command: powercfg –h off. Hope you enjoy! Twitch: @imspeedygonzalesTwitter @ImSpeedyGonzaleInstagram @imspeedyg V-sync off solves this problem in one way: don't care about it at all. If you don't have tearing always play with V-sync off. To avoid screen tearing, make sure your refresh rate is much higher than your FPS cap. 113 votes, 162 comments. 15. Run cmd. V-Sync has to be enabled for it to work properly. For competitive gaming it might be subtle visually. If I set it on adaptive I get even close to 200 FPS sometimes. So I found out that to utilize Gsync, I should turn on Vsync on nvidia Control Panel then turn off Vsync in game. OP is actually talking about adaptive vsync option in windows GFN app. 30GHz 3. G-Sync On/V-sync on: Absolutely no screen tearing. Windows DPI scaling. Here are my specs: Nvidea GTX Titan (2013) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3960X CPU @ 3. 8GB I have been playing with free sync turned on in my monitor, G sync ON in Nvidia control panel (since recently Nvidia drivers let you have G sync with free sync monitor), V sync turned on for Apex Legends in NVCP, and v sync off in game. Off for minimal input latency, on for no screen tearing. For freesync/gsync you have to have it on on the monitor and gsync on in NVCP, frames capped at 141 and vsync off. )-Enhanced sync is horrible option for apex legends. With v-sync on, the most up to date frame has to wait till the screen has completed a cycle to be moved into the back buffer. I'm not sure if it really works maybe it's better. If you enabled full vsync with triple buffering, then there is an additional tier of 45fps. If you don’t like tearing, adaptive-sync with a framerate cap fixes that if your have more FPS than your monitor. That might also completely solve your choppiness. Most other stuff can probably be turned to low because it doesn't actually give you any extra information and only lowers your FPS. Right click on the desktop, go into nvidia control panel - manage 3d settings - program settings - Choose apex. Windows Hibernation. So with a frame limiter under the maximum it simply helps with frame pacing. Should I let it off or adaptive? In nvidia control panel I noticed that VSync is globally set to off. exe editing. Long story short is that it caps your FPS to match your refresh Everyone yells for vsync off but with reflex and 60+ fps the input lag is so minimal the average player won't notice, the screen tearing, and inconsistent frame-times and framerates cause the game to just feel bad like you're seeing and imho causes people to be more inaccurate than the vsync input lag. Sun Shadow Coverage Low I've read a solution is to turn V-sync off in-game and turn V-sync on in Nvidia settings. dvs_gpuframetime_max This is where you divide 1000 / fps to get the frametime value. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Get #shorts If you are still wondering if you need to turn on VSYNC or not then this video will give you an idea! - If I was able to help you and you wanted to g Vsync disabled will minimize latency. Antialiasing (AA). unfortunately getting input lag. I played with g-sync + v-sync Apex Legends for a year and found it very pleasuring to have tearing-free experience. My fps is showing 60-120 (in most cases 80) fps, but games (panel vsync default) Gsync if possible, Activate reflex in game vsync in game off is the game going over the refresh and not limited by Low Latency / Reflex, then limit with the in game limiter ( -7 the refresh is a good conservative number, it could be less if there are no tearing or stutter) While g-sync is working v-sync on tells it to absolutely make sure there is no screen tearing. @12yold Yeah apex feels very choppy compared to other games, like a slideslow and huge input lag feeling. Yes, adding V-sync with g-sync fully eliminates a tearing and when both used there’s no really latency penalty (you can check this out in yt there’s many videos of analysing latency with this combo). On Xbox I have it set to 120hz and every game I play I turn Vsync of. I have a not so good laptop which I used to play Apex on locked at 60fps, with my controller. It also works with vsync disabled and it produces just 10% of vsyncs input lag. VSync does this by limiting your GPU’s frame rate output to your monitor’s refresh Hey guys, I have issues with vsync in apex. Nov 2, 2023 · Additional Vsync is redundant. Yes, turn on g-sync in control panel. In fortnite- Disable: V-sync and any setting that mentions buffering. For comparison- ingame 295, RTSS 290, no Vsync. Yeah it's what I use, but Vsync off. V-sync’s natural 60 FPS cap will also help you run games at higher settings. For example, Chrome has it ON by default and you cant change it unless you dig into Chrome. Will the fps go down when it's on or? Don’t use in game vsync. Game Mode > Set all slides to Off. Ambient Occlusion Quality Disabled. This causes tearing, because the screen is always displaying the newest pixels without concern for where it is in the refresh cycle. Then i got my HDD (Had SSD only before) and reinstalled windows 8. If you use GSync, I recommend turning Fast on in NVIDIA CP or Adaptive in Apex's Settings. Or the ones when you don't have to do shit except passing scenes. Notice the framerate locked at 143 fps with vsync turned off. apex is capped at 144 by default, and vsync removes the cap. Usually games have optimizations for their game in their V-Sync. My game felt very choppy with vsync off even though I had high FPS and so to fix this I turned on triple buffering and it felt much smoother. i personally play with it off (which a lot of people do). go to File Explorer -> This PC -> Local Disk (C:) -> Users -> (Name of your user) -> Saved Games -> Respawn -> Apex -> local -> videoconfig. I had to cap the framerate to 124 for G-sync to work properly otherwise some frames where going above 144 (No not on the FPS counter but on the monitor menu live Hz counter in g-sync mode, as you figure jumpy Hz is the same as jumpy fps in this case). C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Apex Legends and right click r5apex. Feb 13, 2019 · As for Adaptive V-SYNC, it is simply standalone double buffer V-SYNC when the framerate is above the refresh rate, and V-SYNC OFF whenever the framerate is within the refresh rate. This combination delivers optimal smooth gameplay. khkkl txjehqk jjfi mede reollbp mnpwi epra cyfkxwb qrm fiznxr