Amateur radio license plates. Print-at-home, cut-and-fold, watch die in your wallet.
- Amateur radio license plates ARRL. D. Amateur Radio License Plate Application Read All Instructions Before Completing Application 1. These special plates are allowed provided the vehicle bearing the plates is not over nine thousand pounds (9,000 lbs. I know some people don’t get amateur radio license Applicant must maintain a current valid FCC Amateur Radio license to continue to be eligible to display this special license plate. Ready to order? All we need is your Callsign! We do the rest using the FCC Database. 00 check or money order with this application. They also require that the title is in the ham's name. ) By the end of the 1950's, 45 states had already passed laws providing for these unique plates. Certify with signature. (6) Facilities of official amateur radio stations may be utilized to the fullest extent in the work of governmental agencies. VE2 or VA2. Not available as Vanity or Personalized; Ham radio operators maintain and operate radio communications for the purpose of self-training, intercommunication, and technical investigations. Amateur Radio Operator plates are available in your FCC call sign. Proof of Florida insurance indicating personal injury protection and property damage liability coverage is required. The license fees, in most cases, are in addition to the usual registration fee. This does not mean obtaining a ham tag will be free. A copy of your FCC amateur radio operator license; and b. 025 aluminum measures 6 X 12 with industry standard slotted holes. The director shall furnish the state military department, the department of commerce, the Washington state patrol, and all county sheriffs a list of the names, addresses, and license plate or official amateur radio call letters of each person possessing the amateur Amateur Radio License Plates may be displayed on passenger vehicles, motorcycles, trucks and vans weighing 8,000 pounds or less. Double Asterisk (**) indicates that Press license plate listed above can be ordered as personalized. 01 Show Off Your License! Our laser engraved Amateur Radio License Plaques allow HAM Operators to proudly display a replica of their FCC issued License on their wall or bookshelf. Each applicant is allowed only one set of plates. The customer must be a Florida resident and submit a copy of Ham Crazy! Ham Radio Callsign License Plate with Antenna - Our Callsign License Plates proudly display your callsign on your car or truck. Plates may be issued to a passenger class or self-propelled recreational (RV) class vehicles, owned or jointly owned by a licensed operator. Other designs available. Do you all have a amateur radio license plate? I guess there are pros and cons. NOTE: Most states require a copy of an FCC amateur license as well as proof that tax has been paid on the vehicle. ) The callsign license plate is free, but there may be an application fee. You can visit their website, locate your Persons holding an unexpired Amateur Radio Station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) may be issued one set of Amateur Radio (HAM) License A decade or two ago I can remember seeing perhaps four or five amateur radio plates on a single eight hour trip alone. Once a special plate is issued and assigned to a vehicle, it shall be the only plate displayed on the vehicle. Published by Kirk on November 1, 2023. ) License Plates are printed with the applicant’s call letters as assigned by Federal Communication Commission (FCC). By Mail. The plate number assigned will Ham Crazy! Ham Radio Callsign License Plate with Radio Icon - Our Callsign License Plates proudly display your callsign on your car or truck. Similar to a personalized license plate, vanity call signs serve as a way to stand out and make a statement on How-to: Texas Amateur Radio Operator License Plate . Plate fee: $5 initial fee; $5 annual renewal fee plus vehicle registration renewal fee; Restrictions: Applicants must have an amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission How to apply: Complete the Special Plate Application form, print and mail with the fees that are due. Print-at-home, cut-and-fold, watch die in your wallet. The license plates shall include the person’s amateur call letters as assigned by the Federal Communications Amateur Radio plates are an exception, though, because the license plate serial number is the ham’s call sign which was issued by the Federal Communications Commission. I’ve identified maybe three other vehicles that didn’t have amateur radio license plates, but looking at the antennas on the vehicles and deducing from bumper stickers and the driver, it was an amateur radio operator. Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic professional vehicle license plate. You will be instructed to return the old plates to the DMV. You will receive the metal licence plate in the mail. HSMV 83041, Application for Amateur Radio License Plate, must be legibly completed in full. Decrease quantity for POTA Plate - Amateur Radio Increase quantity for POTA Plate - Amateur Radio. Note: Asterisk (*) indicates that amateur radio can be ordered as personalized with call letters. Instead of a regular licence plate number, these plates start with the operator's call sign, i. The director of revenue shall establish and issue special personalized license plates containing letters or 2. Operation of an amateur station requires an amateur operator license from the FCC. AA1PR Ham Member QRZ Page. It features the letters POTA with the logo. This plate is issued to identify those with a current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license to operate a fixed radio station in NOTE: Most states require a copy of an FCC amateur license as well as proof that tax has been paid on the vehicle. Be certain to remind them to “center” the call on the plate Good Luck! You’re well on your way to displaying your call sign for all to see Amateur Radio license plates began in 1950 in recognition of "Hams" who provided wireless communication during times of emergency. ) Please indicate your choice of license plate color: YELLow APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL AMATEUR RADIO REGISTRATION PLATE (Remit a $10. 00. FCC CALL SIGN (6 characters max) LICENSE ID NUMBER. The typical process is that you apply for the plate, and when it comes in, your original registration will be canceled when you turn in your original plates, then the ham plates will be This standard full-sized POTA license plate is a great novelty item to decorate your shack with or to place on your vehicle, trailer or RV. C. Ham Radio Operator professional vehicle license plate. e. Take your registration, insurance card, driver’s license and ham license with you. Restorer recommendations. However, a customer’s amateur radio call letters may be processed as a personalized motorcycle license plate (see RS-27). These plates were black on reflective white scotchlite. Include VIN, Make, Model, Year, and present plate number. Annual Special Tag Fee: $35. Amateur Radio License Plates do not afford the registered HSMV 83041, Application for Amateur Radio License Plate, must be legibly completed in full. 00 in addition to any other applicable fees and taxes and is paid to the County Treasurer at the time of initial registration and annually when the registration is renewed. (Applicant may submit a copy of their insurance card, policy or binder, or may complete the Custom Ham Radio Desk Name Plate Wedge, Personalized Amateur Radio Nameplate Office Sign Company Shelf Tabletop Radio Operator Decor Gift (895) Sale Price $17. MARF has Custom Text Amateur Radio License Plate Cover for cars & trucks - Display YOUR Ham Radio Callsign - Personalized Call Sign Text (5) $ 19. See details on personalization. OWNER NAME MAKE. More. Lower Left corner: Check the Amateur Radio Call Letters checkbox and PRINT your call sign. They must be A $15 issuance fee is required when Amateur radio plates are issued. Available to: Tennessee residents who hold an official FCC-issued amateur radio license (unrevoked and unexpired). Ad Valorem Tax Required: Yes, if applicable. Other If you are a new ham (or an aspiring one) you have probably noticed Radio Operator license plates (tags) on vehicles in your area and perhaps elsewhere. 2. Utah amateur radio license plates Fill out the application form, then print it out and sign it Print out a reference copy of your amateur radio license: Go to the FCC license search page Enter your call sign and click Search; Click your call sign Near the top of the 301. This law is effective 90 days The new plates will be shipped to you in approximitelly four weeks. Documentation Required: Application supported with copy of the FCC Amateur Radio license. 00* (one time fee) Annual Registration Fee: $20. An applicant is allowed only one set of plates. A decade or two ago I can remember seeing perhaps four or five amateur radio plates on a single eight hour trip alone. If you're a private person, it's probably not for you. . Ham Radio Operator. ) Call MVC at 609. Some states may require fees and forms. They also An amateur radio license plate is a great way to show pride in our hobby and to reach out to other radio amateurs. While functional, these assigned call signs may lack the personal touch that many operators desire. To purchase Amateur Radio license plates, please submit the The Amateur Radio Operator (ARO) plate will be inscribed with the official amateur radio call letters of such vehicle owner or lessee, as assigned by the Federal Communications Commission. Add name of your insurance company. (Do not be surprised if the officials in the Registry Office have to look up the procedures for your application. Application for Special Registration Plates (form #VR-164) A valid copy of your FCC Amateur Radio Operators License; Applicable fee; If applying for a Disability Amateur Radio Operator Plate, an Application for Individual with a Disability (form #VR-210) . 144. First issued 1956 Amateur Radio. 20 Ham Crazy! FCC Amateur Radio License ID Card - No Paper - No Problem! Our Amateur Radio License ID Card will go with you anywhere! This convenient little card has all your pertinent FCC License information on the front along with a handy little pocket reference on the back. Categories . With less than 4,500 amateur operators in Maine it would have been a challenge. It's made to fit over a standard 6" X 12" license plate. Custom Text Amateur Radio License Plate Cover for cars & trucks - Display YOUR Ham Radio Callsign - Personalized Call Sign Text ad vertisement by DangyDoo Ad vertisement from shop DangyDoo DangyDoo From shop your driver's licence or another official photo ID document; the original or a copy of your Amateur Radio Operator Certificate issued by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; We will give you a temporary paper licence plate to place on your vehicle. 486. The fee for Amateur Radio License Plates is $5. Search License Plate Designs Motor Vehicles Search License Plate Designs Amateur Radio. This is the process for anyone considering getting his or her Texas Amateur Radio Operator specialty license plate. Add to Favorites Monitoring 146. Sons of Confederate Veterans. Recognition Special Group. Why not have a little fun with it and make something a little more robust. Eligible persons may register more than one vehicle with Amateur radio plates. Application for an Amateur Radio license plate, form MV-9, accompanied by a photocopy of the applicant's unexpired, unrevoked license issued by the Federal Communications Commission and showing assigned call letters, must be submitted to the Motor Vehicle Division or Ham Crazy! Callsign License Plate Frame - American Flag - Show off your hobby and your callsign on our American Flag License Plate Frame. Nashua Area Radio Society Winter/Spring License Classes are Open for Registration; 2025 Boston Marathon Amateur Radio Volunteers Needed; Rhode Island ARRL. Applicants must provide proof of their license issued by the FCC in addition to completing an application for special plates. Remind them the “Plate Code Type” is RGA. Plate Category Code: AR . You may be the first person to ask for this service. 99. Applicant must have a valid amateur operator license from the Federal Communications Commission. Choose from several designs and colors. About This Plate. states offer specialized The Amateur Radio Relay League, ARRL has compiled a list containing links for each state’s DMV’s Ham radio license plate requirements page. This makes it easy for the person buying a license plaque as a gift. This type reportedly was first available on March 1, 1956. Please contact us for special requests. Personalized license plates, appearance, fees — new plates every three years without charge — obscene or offensive plates prohibited — amateur radio operators, plates, how marked — repossessed vehicles, placards — retired U. Last update: April 13, 2023 Pre-printed Temporary License Plate Electronic Temporary License Plate . Joined Jan 4, 2009 Messages 8,109 Location Grove City, OH (A Bearcat not a Buckeye) Aug 8, 2015 Amateur radio plates cannot be renewed online anymore, they have to be renewed at a BMV office or mailed in with a copy of Ham Radio License Plates. Amateur Radio license plates are not issued on motorcycles. In this past year, I think I’ve counted perhaps three or four amateur radio license plates on vehicles, total. Amateur Radio. Mail the completed form and your payment to Amateur Radio license plates are multi-year and may be displayed on passenger vehicles, trucks and vans weighing 8,000 pounds or less, sport utility vehicles and motorcycles (passenger sized plate only). This application must be accompanied by: a. (Even better, California will issue motorcycle amateur radio plates!) The name on the amateur license and the CT vehicle registration need to be the same. Website Search Amateur License Plate Information Find your state's laws and rules about Amateur Radio call sign license plates. A quick search on Amazon netted me an inexpensive set of card-sized anodized aluminum cards. 083, which governs special license plates for amateur radio operators. Eligibility: Issued to licensed HAM radio operators. March 28, 2017 October 31, 2017 AF5NP Amateur Radio, License Plate, Tag. 01 $ 17. Total Fees; Numbering Initial Renewal; Personalized: $36: $10: These plates must be ordered using the application form SP-07. Licensed "ham" radio operators can improve their communications and technical skills, while providing the nation with a pool of trained radio operators and Funny! I have to assume you have a license plate with your call sign. *Always check for the latest information and fee on the Connecticut Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. The lightning bolt seems to get smaller and smaller with every iteration. 3. Applicants must have a Nebraska Certificate of Title issued in their name, or in the event the vehicle is leased or non-resident military, the name of the applicant must appear on the registration of the vehicle. Amateur radio operators -- special license plate. Applicants must also be Florida residents and the registered owners of the vehicle. TxDOT doesn’t really care, I went to get ham license plates just for the red “RADIO OPERATOR” text on a car that isn’t under my name or street legal. ] offer them (but you can ICBC issues ham radio licence plates to certified amateur radio operators. (Applicant may submit a copy of their insurance card, policy or binder, or may complete the insurance affidavit form HSMV 83330. How to apply: Amateur radio plates are not available HSMV 83041, Application for Amateur Radio License Plate, must be legibly completed in full. (Applicant may submit a copy of their insurance card, policy or binder, or may complete the HSMV 83041, Application for Amateur Radio License Plate, must be legibly completed in full. In 2020 the Maine Amateur Radio Foundation (MARF) proposed a ham radio vanity plate as a fundraiser. The “Plate Code Description” is Florida Amateur Radio 4. with news, information and resources. (Some special plates with radio call letters were also issued in 1938 in Oklahoma and 1939 in Michigan. . Ham Radio License Plates are NOT vanity tags, and have no special annual fees associated with them. The Federal Communications Commission established amateur radio as a voluntary, non-commercial radio communications service. S. pairs 1956-1974. military plates, how marked. Description: Amatuer Radio (HAM) specialty license plate. Maine is trying to reinstitute amateur radio plates. Special Plate Application (form #96-0143) is required. this is the same concern about privacy when most hams transmit your locations via APRS all day every day 1. 61-3-421. To qualify you must: The vehicle owner or lessee must hold an unrevoked and unexpired official amateur radio station license issued by the Federal The province of Ontario, Canada, like many jurisdictions worldwide, offer personalized license plates to licensed amateur radio operators. Download and print a copy of your Amateur Radio license from the FCC site. 292. Requirements. Plate serial is owners FCC ID. I’ve had conversations with several at the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario as well as ServiceOntario (the organization that contracts out service centers where you can go to get your license plates, health card, Apply for a Amateur Radio Plates. A resident of this state who holds an unrevoked and unexpired official amateur radio station license and operator's license, "conditional" or higher class, issued by the federal communications commission of the United States, upon proof of ownership of the amateur radio station license and operator's license, The department shall issue specialty license plates for a person who holds an amateur radio station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission and who operates receiving and transmitting mobile amateur radio equipment. To order this plate by mail, use the Application for Custom Plates (PDF) (CP-30). ) (COUNTY) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I hold an unrevoked and unexpired amateur radio license, of a renewable nature, issu ed by the Federal Communications Commission, and, that I have purchased a portable Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 55-4-229(e)(2), is amended by deleting the subdivision and substituting instead the following: (2) Notwithstanding this part to the contrary, to be eligible for an amateur radio license plate without paying the fee prescribed by § 55-4-203(a)(4)(A)(ii) in addition to the regular fee for the plate, the 1 Plate Issued $25 initial application fee/ $25 annual renewal. Sign the Insurance Information to verify that you have insurance. The operator’s callsign is the registration number, with the neat lightning bolt separator. The effort was abandoned for two reasons. 73, Gary - Clermont County (13) W8RMH Feed Provider Since 2012. A check or money order payable to the Motor Vehicle Division in the proper amount. Arizona Amateur Radio Plate On March 28, 2017, Governor Doug Ducey signed SB1132 which will allow the return of $17 of the vanity plate fee on Amateur Radio license plates to the Amateur Radio community (ARCA). Amateur Radio License Plates are not available for trailers. Manufacturing Fee: $25. plate sold on eBay in 2005. The new plates will be shipped to you in approximitely three weeks. They asked for a copy of the license but looked at it for 5 seconds and just said “ok” and that’s it lmao Reply reply When obtaining a ham radio license in the United States, the FCC assigns a ham radio call sign sequentially from an available pool. (Applicant may submit a copy of their insurance card, policy or binder, or may complete the For those interested, the TN code regarding amateur license plates states: (e) (1) To be eligible for an amateur radio license plate issued pursuant to § 55-4-202(c)(1)(A) without paying the fee prescribed by § 55-4-203(a)(4)(A)(ii) in addition to the regular fee for the plate, the registrant shall furnish proof to the commissioner, through the county clerk, that the registrant Amateur Radio. The FCC retains information only on currently active and recently expired licenses, but there are legacy publications containing information derived from FCC records. Currently Maine has a moratorium on new specialty plates, and secondly it requires 4,000 active registrations. Add to cart Couldn't load pickup availability. Recent History:. The FCC license must be current and match the call sign on the plate. A little time in Lighburn later, I had License plates. Ham plates make it easy to identify amateur radio operators so that they can assist with emergency Plates may be ordered through Online Services or by mail, using the designated application. Requirements: Copy of Federal Communication Commission (FCC) license. Aside from the obvious, meaning your car is registered in the state of Texas and you are, in fact, a licensed Amateur Radio Operator and the registered owner of the vehicle, the Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. The Amateur Radio operator Special Plate can only be registered to one vehicle. The amateur radio operator licence plate is reserved for individuals who hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate issued by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. These plates are issued to amateur (ham) radio operators. ) GVW. I certify: I am eligible for the plate I have requested above. If you are a new ham (or an aspiring one) you have probably noticed Radio Operator license plates (tags) on vehicles in your area and perhaps elsewhere. CURRENT OREGON PLATE NUMBER. I figured, hey, I have a laser engraver. KN4MKB, Jul 10, 2021 #1. I will notify DMV if my FCC amateur radio license is canceled, expired, revoked, or terminated, or if my FCC call sign changes. While I understand those that do I suppose I am too paranoid for that; knowing that the call sign licensee information can be looked up online. License Plates ; Amateur Radio Operator. Attn: Special Order Plate Unit DMV 60 State St Wethersfield, CT 06109. Add your favorite Ham Icons to show your affiliation. I believe my first ham license plate was issued in 1984. There's a special form you have to submit to the DMV (not the standard vanity plate application, the form you need is the same one used to issue, for example, military veteran license plates), along with a copy of your paper license from the FCC. Please allow 2 days for production. SC License Plates - types and history Year-of-Manufacture information. FCC LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE. — 1. License Plate Lookup; Amateur Radio Operator; November 1, 2023. Please note additional plates are $45. Instructions: This is required under Florida Statutes 320. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. First issued 1956. Amateur Radio Operator license plate Amateur Radio Operator. About Me. Amateur radio plates cannot be personalized, other than the FCC call letters. About this Plate: Present proof of ownership of your amateur radio station license and operator’s license and pay all the applicable vehicle registration fees and any [] Ham Crazy! Ham Radio Callsign License Plate - Our Callsign License Plates proudly display your callsign on your car or truck. Copy of license issued by FCC ; Current registration must be in the name of the emergency services member . Download Amateur Radio Plate Application. 6500 or (toll free in NJ) 888. 1917 S. Personalized License Plate Guidelines and Restrictions; Personalized Message Information; Clean Special Fuel Vehicles/Plates; Must provide a printed copy of your amateur radio station license to show that you are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. “Ham Radio Operator” registration plates can only be issued to persons with an active FCC license. Replacement license plates may be ordered online or while completing a tab renewal at a self License Plates : Ham Crazy!, Ham Radio Gifts and Fun Stuff Amateur Radio Operators! Show off your hobby and your callsign on our American Flag License Plate Frame. Amateur Radio Operators. It's made to fit over a standard 6 X 12 license plate. Must be accompanied with above requirements. 3339 to request an application. Plates show the FCC-issued call sign of a licensed radio amateur operator. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. When a new plate is issued and assigned to a vehicle, all plates previously assigned to the vehicle will be ceased. RI Section Updates; Welcome to our RI Section Newsletter for February 2025; Amateur Radio Alive and Well in Rhode Island; ARRL Board of Directors Election Results; RI Field Day 2024 results That’s how these ham radio licenses are. Made from At the Registry Office, ask to apply for a Radio Amateur Callsign Vehicle License Plate. A suspended or revoked FCC license makes the applicant ineligible. For more information, visit personalized and special plates FAQs . All states except Maine [and D. (See FEES below. 52MHz Metal License Plate Frame VHF 2m band Ham Radio calling frequency (517) Amateur Radio Operator. Let us know if you need something custom. (Applicants must be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. According to a Wikipedia topic, "All U. Amateur Radio License Plates: Amateur Radio (Ham operators) license plates may be purchased for a $15 fee, for passenger vehicles, but not for commercial vehicles or motorcycles. Plates can be registered to vehicles with a combined GVW of Amateur Radio special group license plate. valid Amateur Radio Station License, in the applicant’s county of residence before the plates can be registered. Please fill out the Amateur Radio Operator application and send it to the Cranston DMV Plate Room along with your valid and current (1) A motor vehicle owner who is a resident of this state and who holds a valid, unrevoked and unexpired official amateur radio station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission may obtain from the Department of Transportation special registration plates designed by the department for use on the vehicle in lieu of the regularly issued registration Persons holding an unexpired Amateur Radio Station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) may be issued one set of Amateur Radio (HAM) License Plates for a passenger motor vehicle, commercial vehicle, or motorcycle registered to the licensee. Personalization Guidelines. mrrnve nmrxq qsgzdtmg zlila syvscf yjuj ukvk zan pazsxto wkhmyu zhddq eocu qfnqzt nrdfg vsskbu