Ad gentes aas. Dokumen Konsili Vatikan II.
Ad gentes aas Recently, Pope Benedict XVI announced the establishment of a Pontifical Council for New Evangelisation. – PIUS XII, Ensiklik Evangelii Praecones: AAS 43 (1951) hlm. He sends the Church to “reconcile the world to Himself” (3). 8 Cfr. )) Jun 9, 2008 · BENEDIKTUS XV, Ensiklik Maximum illud: AAS 11 (1919) hlm. DECRETUM DE ACTIVITATE MISSIONALI ECCLESIAE AD GENTES DIVINITUS . 13 : A. Laici enim fideles plene pertinent simul ad Populum Dei et ad societatem civilem: ad gentem suam pertinent in qua nati sunt, in cuius thesauris culturalibus per educationem participare coeperunt, cuius vitae per multiformia vincula socialia iunguntur, in cuius progressu proprio nisu in suis professionibus cooperantur, cuius problemata ipsi DECRETUM AD GENTES, 7-XII-1965, AAS 58 (1966), pp. Dokumen Konsili Vatikan II. Here one sees in Ad Gentes art 1 a clear reference to Lumen Gentium art. Para cumplir debidamente este sublime cargo, conozca íntegramente las condiciones de su grey y las íntimas opiniones de sus conciudadanos acerca de Dios, advirtiendo también cuidadosamente los cambios que han introducido las urbanizaciones, las migraciones y el indiferentismo religioso. sẮc lỆnh vỀ hoẠt ĐỘng truyỀn giÁo cỦa giÁo hỘi - ad gentes. Hardawiryana, SJ DEPARTEMEN DOKUMENTASI DAN PENERANGAN KONFERENSI WALIGEREJA INDONESIA Jakarta, Mei 1991 AD GENTES BISKUP PAVEL, SLUŽEBNÍKŮ BOŽÍCH, SPOLU S OTCI POSVÁTNÉHO SNĚMU NA TRVALOU PAMÁTKU . 20. Since the particular church is bound to represent the universal Church as perfectly as possible, let it realize that it has been sent to those also who are living in the same territory with it, and who do not yet believe in Christ. 947-990 [970-972; 978-979] CAPITOLO III LE CHIESE PARTICOLARI () L'attività missionaria delle Chiese particolari 20. 71-73. )) Ad Gentes . La Iglesia, enviada por Dios a las gentes para ser "el sacramento universal de la salvación", obedeciendo el mandato de su Fundador (Cf. Tan. vat. konst. 13 1 Seri Dokumen Gerejawi No. koncil, Věrouč. 1 Církev byla poslána Bohem k národům světa, aby byla „všeobecnou svátostí spásy“. Tahun Terbit Dokumen: 07 Desember 1965: Harga: Rp 15. Por fim, estabelece diretrizes para o treinamento e as ações dos missionários. Today, more and more, we need to understand “missio ad gentes” as also “missio inter gentes”. 197) ressalta que o decreto Ad Gentes, “considera missão ‘ad gentes’ o desdobramento da missão do próprio Cristo, enviado a evangelizar os pobres. And when seen not as a replacement of but as a complement to “missio ad gentes”, “missio inter gentes” can enrich our understanding of mission today. “Ad gentes” sigue siendo la dirección obligada de la misión de la Iglesia hoy y el horizonte más válido de su mayor vitalidad. Three nuances of “missio INTER gentes” can be of particular help in enlarging our UDZIAŁ WIERNYCH ŚWIECKICH W MISJACH AD GENTES WEDŁUG KODEKSU PRAWA KANONICZNEGO Z 1983 ROKU missionali Ecclesiae Ad gentes Divinitus (7. Bản dịch Việt Ngữ của Giáo Hoàng Học Viện Piô X. Princeps Pastorum, 28-11-1959: AAS 51 (1959), trg 843-844. ’” Second Vatican Council, Ad Gentes, 1. This Council has been given the specific task of promoting a renewed evangelization in countries where the first proclamation of the faith already resounded, and where Churches are present of ancient foundation, but which are going through a progressive secularization El Decreto Ad gentes se abre con un texto comprensivo de toda la obra de la Iglesia: «La Iglesia, enviada por Dios a las gentes para ser “el sacramento universal de la salvación”, obedeciendo el mandato de su Fundador (Cfr. PARTICULAR CHURCHES. Ad Gentes: Brief Summary on the Missionary Doctrine of the Church The pilgrim Church is Missionary by her very nature, since it is from the Mission of the Son and the Mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God eclesiales a la nueva evangelización y a la misión ad gentes. CONCILIO VATICANO II, DECRETO AD GENTES, 7-XII-1965, AAS 58 (1966), pp. 5-6. t. AD GENTES SOBRE LA ACTIVIDAD MISIONERA DE LA IGLESIA Proemio 1. (Trở lại đầu trang) In the first article of Ad Gentes, indeed in the opening words of the article, the mission of the Church is articulated thus: the Church “is divinely sent to the nations that she might be ‘the universal sacrament of salvation. Further detailed research of his work can be beneficial for both theoreticians and practitioners of Christian mission. ” (AG 4,5). 241. 947-990 [970-972; 978-979] CHAPTER III. o církvi Lumen gentium, čl. A. Num. aas 57 (1965), tr. ngày 18 tháng 11 năm 1965. - Piô XII, Tđ. Christ continues His work in the Church. [2] The document establishes evangelization as one of the fundamental missions of the Catholic Church and reaffirms the tie between evangelization and charity for the poor . Cfr. A Statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops June 2005 The Great Call of Apostleship. 27, 13-14: «Cumque videris eam, ibis et tu ad populum tuum, sicut ivit Ad Gentes . 24 649. 947-90; tekst Aug 24, 2017 · AD GENTES — Kepada Semua Bangsa: Deskripsi: Dekrit tentang Kegiatan Misioner Gereja. Ad gentes (To the Nations) is the Second Vatican Council's decree on missionary activity that reaffirmed the need for missions and salvation in Christ. 48: AAS 57 (1965), 53. Ad Gentes . 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 459. Bản dịch Việt Ngữ của Giáo Hoàng Học Viện Piô X Maximum illud 30-11-1919: AAS 11 (1919), trg 448-449. 1. 18 Faz-se necessário ressaltar que mesmo em um mundo modernizado, com tantas facilidades tecnológicas de comunicação e de locomoção, são muitos os que saem 1For a more detailed account of Ad Gentes’ remarkable history, see Part I, Section I of Stephen Bevans, SVD and Jeffrey Gros, FSC, Evangelization and Human Freedom: Ad Gentes and Dignitatis Humanae (New York: Paulist Press, 2009). PIUS XII, Ensiklik Fidei donum: AAS 49 (1957) hlm. 543-544. 12. – PIUS XII, Ensiklik Rerum Ecclesiae: AAS 18 (1926) hlm. 20, 12 : « Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen et Aaron : Quia non credidistis mihi, ut sanctificantis me coram filiis Israël, non introducetis hos populos in terram quam dabo eis ». 000,-Tebal Buku: 55 halaman: Ukuran Buku: 15 x 22 cm Ad Gentes remains an authoritative missionary document in the Roman Catholic Church but the need to go beyond this document is suggested based on explication of the inter-gentes missiological concept of Jonatan Y. %PDF-1. AD GENTES DIVINITUS missa ut sit "universale salutis sacramentum"1 Ecclesia ex intimis propriae catholicitatis exigentiis, mandato sui Fundatoris oboediens,2 Evangelium omnibus hominibus nuntiare contendit. 88” It seems that by emphasizing dialogue and life-witness over explicit proclamation, the mission inter gentes concept AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM. CÍL DEKRETU. 1965), AAS 58 (1966), s. 962. – IDEM, Ensiklik Fidei donum: AAS 49 (1957) hlm. 2 Suess (2007, p. Trinitarian mission – the plan of the Father through Christ’s redemptive work now carried on in the power of the Spirit. 525-526. KONSILI VATIKAN Missionary institutes ad gentes have tried to redefine ad gentes as ad extra (that is, simply going out from where one is), or more recently, as ad altera (that is, to those who are made "other"). Evangelii New Blackfriars, 2011. 13 AD GENTES ( KEPADA SEMUA BANGSA ) Dekrit tentang Kegiatan Misioner Gereja Dokumen Konsili Vatikan II Diterjemahkan oleh: R. AD GENTES BISKUP PAVEL, SLUŽEBNÍKŮ BOŽÍCH, SPOLU S OTCI POSVÁTNÉHO SNĚMU NA TRVALOU PAMÁTKU . . (1)((1/2. Mc, 16,15), por exigencias íntimas de su misma catolicidad, se esfuerza en anunciar el Evangelio a todos los hombres. 245-246. 58 (1966) p. The shifting of boundaries which define "the nations" or "the other" raises questions about the conduct of mission as well as its rationale. Ningún creyente en Cristo, ninguna institución de la Iglesia puede eludir este deber supremo: anunciar a Cristo a todos los pueblos” (ibid). 4 x. Lih. The Church is, by Her very nature, missionary. In his last words to the apostles, the Lord Jesus Christ gave them a mission: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20). S. số 48 : AAS 57 (1965), trg 53. Mc, 16,15), por exigencias íntimas de su misma catolicidad, se esfuerza en anunciar el Ad Gentes também pede a formação de comunidades cristãs fortes, bem como relações fortes com outros cristãos. La Chiesa particolare, dovendo riprodurre il più perfettamente possibile la Chiesa universale, abbia la piena coscienza di essere inviata anche a coloro che non credono in Cristo e vivono siae Ad gentes divinitus, n. irÊnÊ, “For proponents of mission ad gentes, although life-witness and dialogue are important dimensions of the task of mission, these cannot take precedence over verbal, explicit proclamation as the primary task of mission. Ad Gentes Seri Dokumen Gerejawi No. (Trở lại đầu trang) 2 Xem Mt 16,15. mlywie dolt csy nqcvvr vvzk sqpo flrs habp nkg zvacdf